Author Topic: What are your favorite local restaurants?  (Read 1104 times)

A local breakfast/lunch diner. It has good food and really warm and friendly employees.

Also, Black Bear Diner.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 08:24:44 PM by Electrk. »

A local breakfast/lunch diner. It has friendly food and really good and warm employees.

bringing this back from the third page. There is also a brazilian buffet in my neighborhood (pretty close to the elementary school) that serves delicious chicken hearts steaks and other meat products. Also the kale salad!

Le Chalet
Rayner's Coffee/Chocolate
Harumi Sushi

There are so many more it would take 5 years to list them all.

Old Spaghetti Factory, and a nice little cafe in my town that makes awesome grilled cheese and pancakes

Old Spaghetti Factory, and a nice little cafe in my town that makes awesome grilled cheese and pancakes
That's not local. There's one here in the twin cities.

That's not local. There's one here in the twin cities.
By twin cities do you mean San Fransisco?

There is another one in Edmonton.

its a chain.

By twin cities do you mean San Fransisco?
No, I mean Minneapolis and St. Paul