Author Topic: Things You Hate V.abc123  (Read 1615 times)

Post things you hate, and that's it.

Slurping noises
Dried erasers
Misuse of the word 'literally'
Today's pop music
Lil Wayne
"Grape" Tylenol

Fox Propaga- I mean News.

when people talk when there's a movie on like please cease and jump off a bridge

"popular" people
people who are constantly on their phones
people who complain about the simplest things
people who try to copy off my work
people who don't do their work and expect a good grade
annoying bitches
annoying friends
people yelling on a bus

basically people in my school in general

"popular" people
people who are constantly on their phones
people who complain about the simplest things
people who try to copy off my work
people who don't do their work and expect a good grade
annoying bitches
annoying friends
people yelling on a bus

basically people in my school in general

^ this

Mouth noises
Today's pop music
Any bugs (Even the "cute" ones)
Any sickness
My cousin's friend's "friend"
Too much noise
Not enough space
loving SPIDERS
War (watch the Hiroshima bomb scene in Barefoot Gen, then you will hate war)
'Swag' 'lol' 'YOLO' or anything else like that
DC Comics
New cartoon shows
90's cigarettes
Erasers that leave marks
Sharp objects
Clusters of tiny holes
Bad smells (Although, I don't mind skunk)
Long, but good books that I want to finish but it's going to take an eternity to
Very, very low level of customization in games
My emotional sensitivity
My skin sensitivity
Other's bad manners
RATS We once lived in a stuffty apartment for 3 years in California with rats. Luckily, they didn't infect me. Nor did they infect anyone else
Anything on my eye. IT BURNS!
My lack of underwear right now
Chalky taste of some tablets
The evil little organisms that you can't see with the naked eye that's everywhere on you. Germs!
My procrastination
The last three Star Wars movies weren't that great
Reading small things that you can't enlarge
Barren places
Ghosts I'm such a baby
Automated robotic, leather puppets
Edible things with extra frosting
How many edits I'm making on this post
My lack of skill on any First Person Shooter things
The pirate battling action in Animal Crossing
My parent's tacos
The first LEGO Batman game
My inability to sleep at night
Organs I can't imagine sleeping in a Tauntaun
Bees are kind of cute but it has a sharp arse
Pay to advance games. The Pirates of the Caribbean game was a lie!
People who get pissed when I kill them
80% of the robloxian community
Those little stuff-heads, Mosquitos
Stuffing (food)
Having dead skin

That's all I can think of so far I just love complaining about things! This forum is perfect!
Sorry for possible pagestretch
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 07:13:44 AM by Chris72003 »

"popular" people
people who are constantly on their phones
people who complain about the simplest things
people who try to copy off my work
people who don't do their work and expect a good grade
annoying bitches
annoying friends
people yelling on a bus

basically people in my school in general

And this

i'd hate swag

if i didn't have so much of it

people who actually say "swagcigarettes"

Show Choir
People who don't bathe/understand basic grooming

Man i hate V
He's just such a douche