Author Topic: What is your ideal paradise?  (Read 2280 times)

a world without furries or bronies

a world without cassord -____-

Well maybe that's how it works for some people, but that's not really how it works for me. I've not grown tired of music, but I only listen to music I enjoy. I still love Mexican food, but I don't eat bad Mexican food to compensate. There are some things that make sense in this context, of course; I obviously can't just eat as much chocolate as I want without bad things happening. But for all intensive purposes, it's variety that makes things interesting, not bad things counterbalancing good things. Are you seriously saying that if you had a seemingly endless supply of good things to do in life that you'd wish for bad things to happen to you? No, you move onto something else that you like.

Of course, this isn't about compensation. I don't go out of my way to experience bad things, but I acknowledge that they're out there and that they can and will come my way. And I'm not suggesting karmic balance to be required to enjoy things either. Rather I appreciate good things, because the existence of bad things is very much real. I like having good meals as well, but that bad one will come around only to make the next good one that comes all the better.

If I, personally, were to have a seemingly endless supply of good things to experience or have in life, I wouldn't necessarily wish for bad things to happen but I'd lose interest in all those things rather quickly once I come to the realization that my life is without flaw, and even then I'll eventually run out of all those good things and soon they'll simply be these things I use to temporarily distract myself as I try to find more good things that simply will never be. And by definition, these things wouldn't be good if there was no bad. They would simply exist, some with a reason and some possibly without.

I would rather live a life in which there is no bad or everything that's good is simply handed to me. Honestly, I wouldn't see a point to having it if I didn't earn it in some way, whether I work for it or pull through situations that could be considered bad. But alas, we shouldn't forget that good and bad varies from one person to the next. I could consider something a gift from god while someone else possibly despises its very existence.

a world without cassord -____-
I agree with this too
cassords are dumb and should be eradicated

where the grass is green?
and where the girls are pretty, yeah.

Having my own bedroom, always chilly outside, and snowing every now and then

and where the girls are pretty, yeah.
Oh boy, take me home!

A world in which I could play PlanetSide 2 without crashing every 10 mins, on max graphics.

A world like this one, but I have unlimited money and no consequences for my actions.

The infinite money thing is basically just so that I can get something cool every now and then and not have to save up for it.

It's not like I'd try to take over the world or anything.

A world like this one, but I have unlimited money and no consequences for my actions.
The infinite money thing is basically just so that I can get something cool every now and then and not have to save up for it.
It's not like I'd try to take over the world or anything.
infinite money would be worthless, simply because it's infinite

Of course, this isn't about compensation. I don't go out of my way to experience bad things, but I acknowledge that they're out there and that they can and will come my way. And I'm not suggesting karmic balance to be required to enjoy things either. Rather I appreciate good things, because the existence of bad things is very much real. I like having good meals as well, but that bad one will come around only to make the next good one that comes all the better.

If I, personally, were to have a seemingly endless supply of good things to experience or have in life, I wouldn't necessarily wish for bad things to happen but I'd lose interest in all those things rather quickly once I come to the realization that my life is without flaw, and even then I'll eventually run out of all those good things and soon they'll simply be these things I use to temporarily distract myself as I try to find more good things that simply will never be. And by definition, these things wouldn't be good if there was no bad. They would simply exist, some with a reason and some possibly without.

I would rather live a life in which there is no bad or everything that's good is simply handed to me. Honestly, I wouldn't see a point to having it if I didn't earn it in some way, whether I work for it or pull through situations that could be considered bad. But alas, we shouldn't forget that good and bad varies from one person to the next. I could consider something a gift from god while someone else possibly despises its very existence.
You made some fair points, and I think at this point it's pretty obvious that this matter is one that revolves largely around each individual's mindset, and less around hard logic. You, sir, have earned my respect. ;)