Author Topic: This sums up Comcast.  (Read 1745 times)

My provider, Cox, isn't too bad.

My provider, Cox, isn't too bad.
I had Cox a long time ago, I didnt even think they still existed

Charter isn't too bad.

well I haven't seen them anywhere else

oh, I just assumed it was a non american company or something, idk. I've only heard about it on the internet, never here in Arizona.

I like Optimum, they've been fair and I have a better internet connection than most people I know, it's also not insanely expensive and doesn't have a data cap so.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 08:39:58 AM by naturemon »

neither Fios nor 4G or anything worthwhile is at my town

forget it's like my town is stuck between rural and urban/suburban and can't get out

AT&T is pretty good, actually. There was one time, however, when our internet just went out randomly, we fixed it ourselves before anyone made it out.

FiOS probably lies about ping being lower with fiber-optic-only cables.

Seems legit

aware you better get that cancer looked at

i use century link and it sucks ass
oh god, we have century link. jesus it sucks loving ass. video in OP wont load for me cos... Century link sucks ass

I have FiOS and pay for the 15mb/s but instead I get 2mb/s.

I have FiOS and pay for the 15mb/s but instead I get 2mb/s.
we pay for 30mbs but get 5mbs

I have Comcast and it is nice. We live in the middle of nowhere and they recently upgraded our stuff to like double the speed of already fast.