Author Topic: Does anyone ever use the LAN feature?  (Read 2084 times)

I use it if I have no internet, or I am just trying to test something that can work for LAN.

I use LAN when my friends come over my house every now and then

I never ever hosted a lan server. Simply because there's noone else in the lan that has blockland.

I host and play LAN a lot of times. Lots of friends near me play BL.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 08:08:31 PM by TheHellSpy »

Never. I've never had anyone play it in my house besides me, and I've never met up and played with a group of friends.
Those friends I do know in person who have played/play Blockland will generally just join me on one of our servers.

I never ever hosted a lan server. Simply because there's noone else in the lan that has blockland.

The thing is: they can join on a full LAN server with the demo.

EDIT: On topic: yes, multible times, lots of fun at lan parties.

I know a lot of Blocklanders live close to me (most who I know are less than 50-75 miles away), but I never had a need to play using LAN.

No, never used it. I think it might be fun to do it though

I forgot it even existed

Haven't used it since v16.
This, my friend used to come over to my house and use my BLID so we could play.

haven't done LAN since like 2006 or something lol

It's used so friends without keys can play. Even though it works if you have a public server and they are on the same network as you.