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Author Topic: whoops  (Read 2852 times)

It does nothing to the fish thing,
It randomly explodes into a bunch of sentient cookies that try to eat You.

Use sign language to attempt to reason with the cookies, as you cannot talk with a melting face.

You don't know sign language...

Doug is seeing green everywhere.

eat: mushrooms so you can escape this stuffty non reality and enter a new one thats much cooler

am i doing it right

eat: mushrooms so you can escape this stuffty non reality and enter a new one thats much cooler

am i doing it right

eat: mushrooms so you can escape this stuffty non reality and enter a new one thats much cooler

am i doing it right

I was thinking that he was on an LSD trip, so i guess so...

Doug jumps through the Time Warp!
(Nao shiet's goin dowwwwnnn)

Doug switches perspective back to: DEPRESSED EMPLOYEE! (Original Mental Status)
The Time Warp was actually a/an: OFFICE WINDOW!
It turns out that during Your hallucination, You got shot by the guard.

Chapter 2. The Day that nobody cared it was 12:00 at Night
You fly out of the window and land on the hood of a car.
Doug is really dying now.
He limps away to his apartment
The phone rings, he picks it up.
Doug hangs up.
His girlfriend broke up with him, probably for the best considering he is insane now.
Now what?

Ok quit loving around and
Use: phone to call 911

You dial 911.
The police cars move over a few meters.
BAM, They are at Your apartment.

Well stuff.

Talk: Police officer
let him arrest you, being in jail and healed up is better than being out here badly injured

Talk: Police officer
let him arrest you, being in jail and healed up is better than being out here badly injured



The Medical Services work with Police Services...

I'm also surprised this is getting more posts than "The Pub" is.

The Medical Services work with Police Services...
actually no, medical services work with the fire department.