Author Topic: (FWN)_ElementalWolf269  (Read 9221 times)

You're quite a loving handicap if you think uploading a Gif makes you look dumber, maybe you should go to summer school?
It's more as to the fact that you're laughing at the thread and not taking anything whatsoever seriously than the fact that it's a gif in the first place.
Also, you seem quite angry. Maybe you should really take some of the advice handed you and take a really long vacation. Relax your muscles, spend some time offline, get a tan, take anger management classes...

if your young enough to think that summer school is only for dumb kids you should graduate middle school
he's not there yet

You realize i'm just trying to get this damn account banned to make a new one.
If you don't want to be my friend just because of a couple douchbags then be my guest.

If you ant to confront me do it here, either way if you bet your account banned to make a new one through being an all-around douche you'll come back and payers will hate you, and you'll go "wtf"

if your young enough to think that summer school is only for dumb kids you should graduate middle school
You're also a loving handicap because summer school is like a school, or simple for you "LEARNING". Right now you're saying that summer school is only for smart kids like me. Btw if you don't believe my age go ahead and add my on Skype for proof, unless your too shy >.>

smart kids like me. Btw if you don't believe my age go ahead and add my on Skype for proof, unless your too shy >.>
unless your too shy >.>

I just want to note this is really fun to me, I have some friends willing to join in the fun :D
The flaming oil pool party may continue for all of you! Because I bet this is entertaining to you as well!
If you think i'm a troll well your feeding the troll :3

You're also a loving handicap because summer school is like a school, or simple for you "LEARNING". Right now you're saying that summer school is only for smart kids like me. Btw if you don't believe my age go ahead and add my on Skype for proof, unless your too shy >.>
sure thing pal

I just want to note this is really fun to me, I have some friends willing to join in the fun :D
The flaming oil pool party may continue for all of you! Because I bet this is entertaining to you as well!
If you think i'm a troll well your feeding the troll :3
this is sooo bad in so many places for so many reasons

Right now you're saying that summer school is only for smart kids like me.
lol sure
i think you mean special, as in special needs
Btw if you don't believe my age go ahead and add my on Skype for proof, unless your too shy >.>
Nobody wants to add you on skype so they can see your nonexistent richard.
Stop asking.

I just want to note this is really fun to me, I have some friends willing to join in the fun :D
Please go right ahead, spend more money and/or get more of your handicapped friends banned.
Nobody's complaining in the slightest, it just means more money for Badspot and more laughs for us!

If you think i'm a troll well your feeding the troll :3
GG now get banned for admittance thanks

Do you guys wanna get read of me :c

Do you guys wanna get read of me :c
Obiously we don't, can't you see how much we love you! Never leave us, you're a god among men you lovey bastard!

GG now get banned for admittance thanks
Lol, I said if you think, I did not say I am a troll, loving handicap XD

I did not say I am a troll, loving handicap XD
If you think i'm a troll well your feeding the troll :3
10/10 consistency

i'm not going to be surprised if dreams of cheese gets into a skype video call with him and he's wearing a helmet with a neck brace