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Author Topic: Super Smash Bros. For Wii U & 3DS: MEWTWO CODES GOIN OUT  (Read 523129 times)

you wanna play that game bucko

some of the characters i didnt select are even debatable and melee has some characters that are literally unusable *coughpichucough*

i like ssb4 way better because we've seen literally all there is to see in melee, it's like emotionless love. ssb4 is long, tense, and stressful to watch. suspenseful, new, and interesting games are almost guaranteed. well before it's just diddy kong but still.
if you think it's emotionless you have no idea what goes into it. also sustaining such a high level of tech skill/situational awareness is very tense
have you seen the popoffs? like wtf
there's also this
like melee is fast
sm4sh is
as fasti like sm4sh, don't get me wrong
but it's best put like this
i'm getting a lot of pictures from the smashbros subreddit and it's saving me time
but seriously
i tab out for 15 minutes
come back and they're STILL playing the same set
melee is faster, has a more developed meta and is also a completely different style of game
sm4sh doesn't have many combos to speak of (yet)
melee is technical, faster, and has a lot of combo game
like you don't see or have yet to see a 0-death combo happen in sm4sh that isn't like diddy and someone not knowing how to airdodge or tech
faster != better necessarily
IMO sm4sh is less interesting to watch competitively because it takes long and it's more about mindgames. melee is the spectator game.
if you're a sm4sh competitive player watching sm4sh you'd appreciate it more tho because you'd understand what goes into it

basically sm4sh is slower so there's more neutral game, more time to react and think

melee is still on a higher level mindgame wise because people have been playing it for 13 years tho
only ~20% of melee comp players main fox
the last top 8 to be entirely foxes was do you fox with it, which happened a year ago. it was unprecedentedly fox heavy, i dont think it had every happened before

the whole "fox is the only viable character" thing is blown way out of proportion

here's the list of the characters played at evo 2014

look at top 8. amazing character diversity

of course sm4sh has more character diversity. it has a bigger pool of characters and the meta is less developed

personally i don't rank character diversity too high anyway, because having to learn less matchups means more depth in the metagame, as opposed to breadth

you wanna play that game bucko
[i mg]http://puu.sh/fm6Rf/c9d122deeb.png[/img]
some of the characters i didnt select are even debatable and melee has some characters that are literally unusable *coughpichucough*
i'm not trying to argue with you
i'm just trying to tell you that melee isn't just fox and FD and has reason for the respect it has
i'd quote you ultima but i'm lazy so i'll just say
yeah, ofc faster doesn't mean better, but it is more enjoyable to watch
and i agree with you on your points on sm4sh since it makes sense

6WX is the real champion.

i understand that melee is intense because of the skill, but i prefer sm4sh because there is so much we haven't seen and so much untapped potential. i think melee is timeless and will eventually outlive sm4sh, but for the time being i think it's gonna be more interesting to watch. that is until another smash game dethrones melee again :^)

i cry everytime
i've seen some skilled ass dededes but match him against diddy and its over before it starts

that is until another smash game dethrones melee again :^)
no smash game have ever "dethroned" melee

no smash game have ever "dethroned" melee
i wasn't into the competitive scene back then but im sure brawl dethroned melee for a short time when it was released, project m did, and smash 4 is currently the king imo

i wasn't into the competitive scene back then but im sure brawl dethroned melee for a short time when it was released, project m did, and smash 4 is currently the king imo
that's your opinion

that's your opinion
i obviously dont have any statistics but i would think it's common sense that brawl would be played and watched more when it was still fresh, ans same with smash 4.

im saying dethroning in a "how interesting is it" perspective

i obviously dont have any statistics but i would think it's common sense that brawl would be played and watched more when it was still fresh, ans same with smash 4.
you say that
but apex had melee at 2nd top spot
sm4sh was like 10th
52k vs. 20k

you say that
but apex had melee at 2nd top spot
sm4sh was like 10th
52k vs. 20k
well sm4sh is top spot with 85k currently

like melee was nearing the finals ans sm4sh was not so that's not really a fair comparison yet.

in fact with that logic sm4sh would be the more interesting one but again ^

well sm4sh is top spot with 85k currently

like melee was nearing the finals ans sm4sh was not so that's not really a fair comparison yet.

in fact with that logic sm4sh would be the more interesting one but again ^
they switched to sm4sh right after
getting about 60k views off the bat

i wasn't into the competitive scene back then but im sure brawl dethroned melee for a short time when it was released, project m did, and smash 4 is currently the king imo
if you mean in popularity yeah, brawl "dethroned" melee
im p sure pm has always been less popular tho

melee still lives on though. it was sort of dead during brawl but it has never died completely and is stronger than ever\

of course sm4sh is more popular. it's new
whether it'll stay that way is a different thing