Author Topic: Coding question for the nerds. MP3 decoding.  (Read 942 times)

Anyone have some sort of algorithm for an MP3 decoder without using external libraries. If someone wrote something like this please share your secrets. Any language will do. I want to play any MP3 file.

I swear this file format is so secret. Barely any proper documentation on it.


Decode it into what? A story? A graph? Morse code?

Um, so, like raw low-level code that reads the file and plays it? I think most languages already support playing audio by default.

i dont know any language out there that supports it by default without a library for it.

im using c++ and apparently no one knows how to do this except the pros who made external libraries for this but they never share their secrets.

It probably wouldn't be too hard to playback a raw audio file, but I imagine an MP3 would be pretty complex to decode.

wait so you can literally type music
lets not

ive read that multiple times and it just doesnt make any sense. it angers me that so much information is there but its not helpful in the slightest. ive even looked at the source codes and pulled my nostril hairs out making sense of it

like seriously
can someone please tell me what the hell im looking at

what alien programming language is that and what is everything there and why that ugly ass format

WOW no wonder it made no sense. look at this.

the program for some reason makes the words white and they blend in.
well that clears a lot of stuff up.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 04:48:54 PM by Blockzillahead »

Just get an external library that lets you play mp3 files. It'll be a million times easier.

Just get an external library that lets you play mp3 files. It'll be a million times easier.

easier sure but i still want to know how to do it on my own and have complete control over what it does

easier sure but i still want to know how to do it on my own and have complete control over what it does
Well you're welcome to buy the official MP3 decoder specification for $198 if you want the official stuff. Otherwise you're stuck with whatever you can find online.

Or you can use OGG, a format with a free specification that has better audio quality than mp3 for the same bitrate.

well that blows. mp3 is so common but barely anyone understands it. what a sad computer world we live in

well that blows. mp3 is so common but barely anyone understands it. what a sad computer world we live in
Well it seems like your one of those people also..

And like ip said, try and find an MP3 decoding library written in C++, I can guarantee there is one out there.
I understand that it is satisfying and educational to write one on your own, but it can be tricky if you don't have an insane amount of experience with advanced programming in C++.  Even after Java networking, I don't know where to start with audio decoding..

If your only looking for playback, you could try the BASS audio library.  Apparently it's really easy to implement with only a few calls.  You could also work with OpenAL, which is normally used for 3D games, but will work just as well with a normal project.  Whatever floats your boat.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 05:17:36 PM by WALK2222 »