Author Topic: Website Asking For Key Going Around  (Read 9001 times)

Here's one in Batch for kicks. You'll need to have cURL to use it.
Code: [Select]
for /L %%i in (1,1,5) do (
start cmd /c curl -k --data "entry.1442360449=aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto loop

Here's one in Batch for kicks. You'll need to have cURL to use it.
Code: [Select]
for /L %%i in (1,1,5) do (
start cmd /c curl -k --data "entry.1442360449=aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto loop
Pretty nifty, I think this will stop him from doing it now that he knows we can spam it with random key looking numbers, now it's impossible for him to steal keys.

bleh. here's a version that doesn't pointlessly open a new command window. this one will run in the background too.

Code: [Select]
for /L %%i in (1,1,5) do (
start /B curl -k --data "entry.1442360449=aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto loop

Pretty nifty, I think this will stop him from doing it now that he knows we can spam it with random key looking numbers, now it's impossible for him to steal keys.
That's nonsense, he could write a program to read through all the input and filter out all the spam that isn't a valid key, like AAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA.

That's nonsense, he could write a program to read through all the input and filter out all the spam that isn't a valid key, like AAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA.
I could easily make a script that spams the thing with keys that will pass blockland's offline key-checking function.

I could easily make a script that spams the thing with keys that will pass blockland's offline key-checking function.
Of course, but none of these childish spamming scripts people posted here do that. So they're all pointless.

That's nonsense, he could write a program to read through all the input and filter out all the spam that isn't a valid key, like AAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA.
Filter through fake keys like this?

[These are all completely fake keys that were generated randomly]

Because that is the output of the fake key generator. I don't know what moron would use all "A"'s

Curious, I go click on the website.  Boy did I have a laugh.

this should have give it away

Jesus lol it was so blunt it was funny

There wasn't even an attempt to make it persuading - "Hi, we made a game or something... look, that's not the loving point, just give me your loving key and forget off... Yeah whatever we'll give you admin or some stuff..."

Spambotting phishing sites.  I love it.

Beautiful. He's probably pissed by now.

He probably just made a new one like he always does lol

Then I just modify my code to spam more of his phishing sites. Why don't we just report his thing for phishing? brb

Then I just modify my code to spam more of his phishing sites. Why don't we just report his thing for phishing? brb
Already did the moment this topic was posted.

Google clearly doesn't care.

Already did the moment this topic was posted.

Google clearly doesn't care.
forget. Oh well, here is the source for when I don't want to update it for other sites he makes.