
What's you're OS based on?

4 (33.3%)
3 (25%)
Red Hat/SUSE
0 (0%)
BSD (this includes Mac and iOS)
2 (16.7%)
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: The UNIX Megathread -- New poll  (Read 18565 times)

FreeBSD is really easy to learn, all you really need to do at start is rebuild the kernel with better resolution and I preferred different colors.
What package manager does FreeBSD use?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 10:51:45 AM by blueblur121 »

What package manager does FreeBSD use?
I don't know, as I said... I had no internet capabilities in FreeBSD so I could not download any programs.

I believe it is pkg, idk

Okay, then you should use Ubuntu server and use SCP to transfer files between your computers.

EDIT: Just a warning though, just about all server operating systems are command line operating systems and require you to know how to use them properly before use. If you're just using it for file storage, I am willing to bet you could get away with using a desktop OS.

My web server runs Ubuntu. I would've gone with Debian but that wasn't an option for some reason.

I don't know, as I said... I had no internet capabilities in FreeBSD so I could not download any programs.

I believe it is pkg, idk
Just looked it up. It's pkgng.

My web server runs Ubuntu. I would've gone with Debian but that wasn't an option for some reason.
Well, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distro out there(?). So it makes sense that lots of hosting services provide VPSs and webservers running it.

Super thread saving bump.

I am interested in Arch Linux ARM.

Is it literally just Arch Linux but able to be run on an ARM computer? (An example of an ARM computer might be a tablet or something.)

Just looked it up. It's pkgng.
Well, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distro out there(?). So it makes sense that lots of hosting services provide VPSs and webservers running it.

I'm totally fine with Ubuntu, but I'd still slightly prefer Debian, just because Debian uses less disk space.
But it still only uses 45MB of RAM while hosting a website and a TeamSpeak 3 server. Hosting a Gmod or TF2 server on top of that and it only uses half of my 512MB of RAM. :]
EDIT: Although it is a really cut down version. Doesn't include any GUI since it's for a server so it's only a few hundred MB.

Super thread saving bump.

I am interested in Arch Linux ARM.

Is it literally just Arch Linux but able to be run on an ARM computer? (An example of an ARM computer might be a tablet or something.)

I would imagine.
I think I ran that on my Raspberry Pi once. Didn't see any performance gain from the default iso.
Anyone see that new DE for the Raspberry Pi that is GPU accelerated? The thing doesn't use 99% of the CPU just rendering the desktop anymore. c:
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 08:13:50 PM by Steve5451² »

I'd assume they are very similar due to Ubuntu being based on Debian. And because of Ubuntu's popularity and support I would also assume it's stable as a rock.

Guys I need help. What's a good distribution to boot from a live cd? My brother's hard drive failed, so he needs something he can run from a cd. His computer is also really old. Like, pre-Vista old. So he needs something lightweight.

edit: nvm, I think he may be getting a flash drive to boot from, so I can install lubuntu onto that for him.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 12:47:06 PM by blueblur121 »

New discussion: What is your favorite desktop environment or window manager and why?

I prefer XFCE as my main environment, but I also like to have i3 installed and configured so that I can use that if XFCE forgets up. I use Arch, so an update can really mess up your system. It's a good idea to have a backup WM installed alongside your main DE/WM if you have arch. If all else fails though, I'd just use tmux in the cli to fix it.

The raspberry pi I bought last sunday arrived like 5h ago

The raspberry pi I bought last sunday arrived like 5h ago
What OS does the pi use?

What OS does the pi use?
mainly raspbian (debian ARM) but i prefer to use alarm (arch linux arm)