Author Topic: Project Zomboid - loving ZOMBIES AAAA  (Read 2909 times)

"I SAID TO BACK THE HELL OFF!" - Angry Survivor


Project Zomboid is a top down zombie survival game where you have to survive against zombies and face your own mentality like in every loving zombie survival out right now.

But what makes it different?

The interesting aspect of top down gameplay, and it is indeed very well executed, the mechanics are good, there is a lot to do with a huge ass map, stealth, traits for your character, trainable skills, and the feeling to the game, it really captures that ambience that a zombie game has, because unnoticed, one little zombie can forget you up. We smash burglar alarms and helicopter noises and tada a zombie horde is atcha door.

"Oh my loving god its early access why the forget should I buy it?" -Half-handicapped Customer

The point is, its half early access, and half not. It has been in development for 3 years, so it isn't some buggy-as-hell mess what I would expect DayZ to be. Right now every core mechanic is in place but a few await their arrival, what are just an addition, not that big of a requirement: Hunting for SP and MP, Sleeping system for MP, Vehicles and NPC's. See? You can survive without them. I'm very excited about the NPC's myself, because they look awesome in this very early video, and when we consider the fact this was 3 years ago, and they are developing them right now to become perfect, I can't wait to see what the outcome is after these years.


Should You Buy... Project Zomboid?

Project Zomboid - DeanCutty Review

Now these are the only reviews I found, surely there are "early looks" and stuff but they are long and outdated. These are more close to the current state of zomboid.


Home Page
Map Project
Zomboid Wiki (Bit outdated)

More stuff will be added soon, post feedback on what you want to see. Im working on some media right now.

(click to enlarge)

On the lookout for zombies.                                                                                                    Smashing with a frying pan.

A knife is a surprisingly efficient weapon.                                                                                     Looting a zombie.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 09:33:49 AM by Mocha Furrier »

I have this game, and I really can't wait for there to be other survivors.

I think I'd heard something about them working on that.

I have this game, and I really can't wait for there to be other survivors.

I think I'd heard something about them working on that.

They were on before, but they took them off to perfect them, and they are coming in a few months, if I recall correctly.

>buy towns
>get burned
>buy cubeworld
>get burned
>buy starbound
>get burned
>implying buying early access games is smart
>get burned

>buy towns
>get burned
>buy cubeworld
>get burned
>buy starbound
>get burned
>implying buying early access games is smart
>get burned

Did you even read the Early Access part?

>buy the stomping land
>get burned

The smartest thing to do is to just buy the game when it comes out of early access with good reviews.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 09:58:25 AM by Tonkka² »

i tired the demo a year ago but then i got sad after playing it :(

Is good game! I've not played enough of it though.

>buy the stomping land
>get burned

The smartest thing to do is to just buy the game when it comes out of early access with good reviews.
okay why do you just constantly stuff on every thread you enter?  why do you feel the need to be such a massive prick to everyone around you?  do you feel threatened?  are you insecure?  or, more likely, were you in some sort of accident and now feel the need to lash out on innocent people?

what the forget is your problem?


yeah the game is really fun, one of the better early access games that i've played
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 11:31:25 AM by OrkusBorkus »

i watched robbaz's playthrough, which is still going and still loving legendary, and i kinda want it

i tired the demo a year ago but then i got sad after playing it :(

The demo is quite inaccurate, its optimized like stuff and your character doesn't actually have a death timer on him/herself, and you get proper guides how to play the game.

okay why do you just constantly stuff on every thread you enter?  why do you feel the need to be such a massive prick to everyone around you?  do you feel threatened?  are you insecure?  or, more likely, were you in some sort of accident and now feel the need to lash out on innocent people?

what the forget is your problem?


yeah the game is really fun, one of the better early access games that i've played

You are more handicapped than Tonkka, trust me.

It's not that it's a good, or a bad game. It's undoubtedly a /great/ game.
However, a stupid amount of games that are in Early Access have yet to make it out of early access, and those that are in barely receive any updates if at all. Even if they claim they are "updating", a update every 6 month for a beta is not something plausible.
A Early Access is a beta you pay for, advertised not as a full game but as a "playable" game, which is stupidly enough to be classified as a game that is apparently put on the market these days. What does that mean? It means that the developers will cash in money earlier, which is the sole purpose of developing a game, at which point there's physically less reason to continue the development of the game.

Towns was a cash-in, development has delibarately and publicly announced as cancelled. But it's still there.
Cubeworld was a cash-in, last update was 'ages' ago.
Starbound was not however a cash-in, if you are looking at the logs they are constantly posting about all the new stuff to come, this update is pretty big if you are to look at the backlog.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 01:28:24 PM by LeetZero »

You are more handicapped than Tonkka, trust me.

It's not that it's a good, or a bad game. It's undoubtedly a /great/ game.
However, a stupid amount of games that are in Early Access have yet to make it out of early access, and those that are in barely receive any updates if at all. Even if they claim they are "updating", a update every 6 month for a beta is not something plausible.
A Early Access is a beta you pay for, advertised not as a full game but as a "playable" game, which is stupidly enough to be classified as a game that is apparently put on the market these days. What does that mean? It means that the developers will cash in money earlier, which is the sole purpose of developing a game, at which point there's physically less reason to continue the development of the game.

Towns was a cash-in, development has delibarately and publicly announced as cancelled. But it's still there.
Cubeworld was a cash-in, last update was 'ages' ago.
Starbound was not however a cash-in, if you are looking at the logs they are constantly posting about all the new stuff to come, this update is pretty big if you are to look at the backlog.

Yes, you are infact right but I can definitely say that Zomboid is out of the beta phase, and I don't think it should be even considered as early access, because right now they are pretty much adding just more features to the already intense gameplay.

Even if this was a full package, i still don't want to buy any early access games. It's a good idea, but it can be and is easily exploited by the industry, just like pre-orders and season passes. I refuse to spend money on any of those ideas, because i do not want them to become any more popular. The whole idea of a "Beta" these days is just a joke - ever since Minecraft came out and revolutionized the industry with the stupid idea that you can charge money for a game that is in beta, AAA games have been trying it out with stuff like Destiny and Wolfenstein New Order pre-orders bonuses. Some games stay in early access or beta forever (Heartstone IIRC) because it is generally accepted to be "a shield from criticism" and if you dare criticize a game that is in beta, "you are an unprofessional critic and i will no longer listen to your reviews!".

what the forget is your problem?
I'm pretty sure that my innocent cousin can get trough the emotional scars i have "lashed out" on him by stating that early access is a very-untrustworthy-system-and-that's-why-you-should-steer-away-from-buying-anything-that-wears-the-label-on-itself.

Well to pause the arguing, I found this game fun and should be bought.