Author Topic: Applying for Admin  (Read 2457 times)

Reason:because i want to be adminn


Its not worth it, I lost admin for banning a guy that insulted me.

Then you have stuffty friends lol. The people you trust the most and who you hang out with aren't deserving of administrative power? That's a little strange to consider.
I'm not sure if you understand the difference between friend and admin.
It's not that they "don't deserve the power", it's that "you don't want to hand them all the responsibility that comes with it".
Like really, when you just pop admin onto one of your friends, you're making them responsible for taking care of your server, and all the problems that come with it. Someone has a question about the server? Admin responsibility. Someone stuck on a no-Self Delete gamemode? Admin responsibility. Etc etc.

And if they're just admin for the power, and don't help out the server in any way, then they're not a good admin, and thus, they don't deserve it.

I'm not sure if you understand the difference between friend and admin.
text snip
but now we're getting into the realm of the kind of friends you make.
Refer to my prior list, and I can point out all of their strong spots-
Palladium - building, general administration
Cromedome - Eventing, building
TheBrighterDark - Building
Glass - project management
Furdle - building
Thorfin25 - scripting, eventing, general administration
Sagacity - music loops, general administration
Amir - general administration
Zealot - scripting
Cca - scripting, eventing
Nal - general administration
Sybarite - general administration
Vaux - scripting
Tally - general administration

Most of the friends I make, are actually useful people who don't just server hop and screw around. They all host something or another, they all are passionate about certain game modes and ideas, and they all together form a fairly solid administration team. 99% of the time, my server is laid back, we talk about what's going on, jobs, girls, etc.

the point I'm trying to make here, is that I am WAY more willing to give a friend admin, over someone I have never met before who just happens to have a lot of recommendations and can type a paragraph. Snaked_Snake can do that, and I sure as hell wouldn't admin him.

Then you have stuffty friends lol. The people you trust the most and who you hang out with aren't deserving of administrative power? That's a little strange to consider.
just off the top of my head-



You do love me :D

I agree, all of my admins are friends as well, and servers I'm admin on I see the hosts as friends, or other admins as friends (or at least acquaintances).

Name: Me
BL_ID: the same number for my bank account
Reason: A pretty god damn obvious reason, obviously

but now we're getting into the realm of the kind of friends you make.
Refer to my prior list, and I can point out all of their strong spots-
The kind of friends I make happen to not like Blockland, so that doesn't really help.
And while your friends seem to be useful, I've been on plenty of servers where the hosts' friends weren't.
It's always going to be the 'realm of the kinds of friends the host makes' if the host just admins all their friends.

the point I'm trying to make here, is that I am WAY more willing to give a friend admin, over someone I have never met before who just happens to have a lot of recommendations and can type a paragraph. Snaked_Snake can do that, and I sure as hell wouldn't admin him.
Oh of course. Admin applications are far worse than just tossing the power to all your friends.

I've been given admin on a lot of servers simply because I'm a good admin though. Don't need to be friends or do some stupid application.


lol those 2 aren't fit to be admins
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 11:24:45 AM by Deve »

lol those 2 aren't admins
Uhhh, what?
He was talking about his own admins, where are you at?

Its not worth it, I lost admin for banning a guy that insulted me.
Your back on admin, i unbanned you also. That guy just wants admin for absulutly no reason


Uhhh, what?
He was talking about his own admins, where are you at?

uhhh, what?
i mean in general
they are not fit to be admins

Ill miss you kirby the only thing i have are your Duplications
I really want you to come back D;
I changed my name to my BL name so I really hope you come back

Its not worth it, I lost admin for banning a guy that insulted me.
This has to be a joke.

Then you have stuffty friends lol. The people you trust the most and who you hang out with aren't deserving of administrative power? That's a little strange to consider.
just off the top of my head-


Aside from Furdle, I've never had any issues with my administrators (Furdle just doesn't like 50% of my admin base lol.) I've known most of my admins for about a year, and they've all been administrators on my server for at least half a year.
U forgot. CakeSpot2013.

i prefer to just make my friends admins over random people who apply for the job
this might seem like a bad idea but most of my friends are intelligent people who are very talented at scripting modeling or building (i mean halloweenfest was massive and really cool and that was done with almost all friends)
its also way more fun to work on a server full of your friends than random people