I was playing goon as a scientist, doing the normal thing of loving around with dangerous things, and I missclicked and spilt 100 units of CF3 onto the ground, putting me into crit, lighting me on fire and ruining half of the science lab.
I crawl my way to the shower and turn it on while stopping dropping and rolling, but too little too late. I start to suffocate and burn to a soggy crisp. Then a loving full tank of welding fuel explodes after a bunch of paper beside it was lit on fire, vapourizing even more of the laboratory, as I lay wheezing in the emergency shower.
Someone in medical hears a commotion, and the AI is reporting that I forgeted up bad, and a friend who was in medical rushes in, slips on all the loving water, and gets stuck in the depressurized room because he was too dumb to press Walk. He keeps trying to pull me to safety but slips, and then the fire doors close on him, and he suffocates to death as well.
Then a Borg walks in, walks off the floor and into space, probably because the server was lagging after my exploits, and gets lost in space.
Then the shuttle gets called due to too many deaths, as the last remaining geneticist gets killed by me after he took a Unstable Mutagen (or whatever) pill that I just called Space Drugs to forget people over with.