Author Topic: schools out  (Read 2085 times)

My final exam was today, and now I don't have school!

discuss school and exams and stuff

mines been out for like...

5 days.

i've been out for two weeks..

i got a comment regarding studying.

IIIIIIII consider studying as re-reading notes or textbook.
like cramming before a test.
but everyone uses the term to refer to simply doing homework and assignments.
i feel thats wrong.

i essentially never bisjac version of studied my entire life lol. i would do assignments last minute, leaving what was needed fresh in my mind for a test :D

seven more weeks of school then i get a nice little two week break.

then back to school

i've been out for almost a month now but visiting colleges and starting applications and stuff so idk how much of a break that is from school lol

all I have is tomorrow and then exams on Thursday and Monday and I'm off until September.

I've going out in two weeks

Been out since the start of May :)
I go away again for college on August 28th.

Ive been out for 3 days

5 more weeks

5 more weeks
things England should do: put the summer holidays in summer