Author Topic: Is LEGO Minifigures Online an insult to gaming?  (Read 6364 times)

You do realize that it is a p2p kids' game, right? Emphasis on "kids".
Not even a kids game. It's just giga-casual.

You do realize that it is a p2p kids' game, right? Emphasis on "kids".
You realise kids are not as stupid as people thing, right? Let me show you some other kids games.

You want to tell me that kids can't do anymore than just press the same button over and over again?

When I say kids I mean around 8 years old. Trust me, I'd know, I have an eight year old brother who loves games like LEGO Minifigures Online, yet sometimes finds games such as the ones you just posted difficult. I'm not just making stuff up 'cause I feel like it. :/

And I know better than most that kids aren't as dumb as people think. My youngest sister was talking in fully legible sentences and mostly proper English by the time she was two.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 08:22:10 PM by BluetoothBoy »

Stupidly easy =/= kids game.

When I say kids I mean around 8 years old. Trust me, I'd know, I have an eight year old brother who loves games like LEGO Minifigures Online, yet sometimes finds games such as the ones you just posted difficult. I'm not just making stuff up 'cause I feel like it. :/

And I know better than most that kids aren't as dumb as people think. My youngest sister was talking in fully legible sentences and mostly proper English by the time she was two.
What we're trying to say is that difficulty =/= target age group.

We're saying the game is stuff because all you really do is hold one button with the most OP character you have at the moment. Not because it's a kids game. The games McJobless posted are good games varying in challenge levels that are targeted to multiple age groups. Not one of them do you just "hold left click on nearest threat".

Kids games are fine. This is trash.

LU please come back you were so much better.

i can forsee this game failing very quickly

When I was 8 I was forgetin' playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Fallout 2 on a PowerPC Mac. Kids these days are forgetin' casuals *shoves cheese fries into mouth, douses with Pepsi-Coke.*

I hope this piece of crap dies in a few months

Honestly, LEGO should either revive LU or stop stuffting all over gaming with stuff like this and go back to making great plastic toys.

You guys realize NetDevil went bankrupt right? That's why the game died.

You guys realize NetDevil went bankrupt right? That's why the game died.

Lego has enough money to have kept it afloat.

They only failed because their in-game monetization was stuff and overpriced

Lego has enough money to have kept it afloat.

They only failed because their in-game monetization was stuff and overpriced
No - NetDevil was responsible for most of the game itself. That's one of the reasons it was so good. LEGO isn't a video game company. Regardless of whether or not they had enough money, if they didn't have the company/people to run it, the money's useless. Thus, the game failed.

this makes lego universe look like stuff
R.I.P lego universe

implying mario was anything but jumping and using the arrow keys

implying mario was anything but jumping and using the arrow keys

there were fireballs you scrub

there were fireballs you scrub
ya ok??? still only like, 5 buttons.