Author Topic: mus develops a language - stereotypical korean sounding update  (Read 4491 times)

I've started work on my newest conlang. This one's actually serious unlike my last ones which were really just doodles. This will have an alphabet at one point in time, but I'm going to work on that later.

Here is what I have so far. It's not bolded, sorry. Feel free to speak in it if you want.

Will update when I add a lot of new things.

The - sija
There - araiia
Then - kombula
They - rann
Their - vakugo
They’re - suras
There’s - sicia
Theirs - graπe
Thought - ßwesche
To - yuka
Go - eiππen
Store - ßuπsach
Home - ßuπrase
Work - ßuπur
A - akr
How - rasa
Who - bahaiir
What - isaga
When - ßata
Where - zoji
These - sijas
Are - arπos
You - dubá
Doing - ßoçi
Hello - nani
I - salfas
Am - amore
Is - iraa
Would - jo
Could - feti
Should - ropasi
Have - juko
Name - alfas
My - salfas posetos
Your - yukka
Going - eiπn
Good - ßuaga
Day - date
Night - πuyaat
Sounds - roi
Nice - niko
Awesome - niko
Song - soπga
Music - mazki
Comedy - comie
Us - rghaan
It - sie
Very - vial
Not a lot - shebben pak sheßei
Funny - funa
Not funny - naare funa
Not - naar
Or - ort
For - far
That - sao


“Hello, how are you?” = “Nani, rasa arπos dubá?” [Na-nee, rasa arplos dubai?]
“What is your name?” = “Iraa isaga yukka alfas?” [Ira eesaga yuca alphas]
“My name is…” = “Iraa salfas posetos alfas…” [Ira salphas poseetoss alphas]
“I am going to the store.” = “Salfas amore eiπn yuka sija ßuπsach.”  
“I am going to work.” = “Salfas amore eiπn yuka sija ßuπur.”

1. ‘for’, ‘is’, and ‘or’ (maybe more) must begin the sentence. So must ‘that’.

Suggest words for me to add. I'm not taking suggestions for the translated ones, but if you suggest something necessary, it'll get up here.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 06:47:17 PM by mus »

I like this, seems like it's pretty cool.

I like this, seems like it's pretty cool.
Thanks! Been meaning to work on something big like this but never got around to it.

Make words for liking, loving, enjoying, caring, respecting, and stuff like that.

i tried to make languages in school that were kinda like japanese but I got bored

looks more like Op just recorded Sloth's lines in the goonies

i could never do this

I like how your "Hello" is Japanese for "what".

I like how your "Hello" is Japanese for "what".

nani sore

iunno if this is much of a language but i made this months ago
its translated into spanish and some of the rules are mixed

Luv identife aimos Colten xet lu aimux seuvxa godriv'aj, lu aimux'abv mevxa danv godriv. Lu aimux ye joftxa ze ye Repuvlix ze Koranarxa.

i thought you were making a programming language

My first complaint is that very similar words (such as who, what, when) are completely different. The second is that it looks like translation is just word for word translating from English, instead of having its own word structure and grammar

Also how is it pronounced? Once I saw an eszett I started following German pronunciation
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 11:38:53 AM by Headcrab Zombie »