Author Topic: What is the name of that image editor that smoothes your lines for you?  (Read 930 times)

I just got a schweet drawing tablet and I remember a while back some image editing software that does what the title mentions. It has a logo that resembles a fox thing or something. Any ideas? Thanks!

dog? do you mean the dog logo? because GIMP has a dog logo

are you sure it wasn't an alpaca?

dog? do you mean the dog logo? because GIMP has a dog logo
No, it's not Gimp.
are you sure it wasn't an alpaca?
It might have been, I can't remember very much.

Thanks for responding

[ img width=250][/img]
si. What software is that?

Inkscape can also smooth lines that you draw. If you're willing to dish out some money for smooth drawing in any program, with highly configurable modes, there's Lazy Nezumi.

Congrats to Tristan and Night fox for gaining 1000 internet points!