Author Topic: Amazing Bad Admin at his Finest  (Read 2500 times)

Pics or it didn't happen

Pics or it didn't happen

People like these are annoying to me.

Also guys he probably just closed blockland or something so he can't get evidence.

I'm just saying, in a real-life case, you need good evidence or the suspect is going to get away! And even good evidence isn't good enough sometimes

I'm just saying, in a real-life case, you need good evidence or the suspect is going to get away! And even good evidence isn't good enough sometimes
Guess what Sherlock

this is a forum

Picture proof? You NEED it, otherwise your story is fake.
No.  Many successful dramas include quote proof.

And otherwise it is neither fake nor real– it cannot be proven or assumed either way.

Guess what Sherlock

this is a forum
I smell a dismissive post.

Picture proof? You NEED it, otherwise your story is fake.
Pics or it didn't happen
Blockland drama motto: pics or it didn't happen

You clearly don't understand the concept of witnesses.

It is all true really, I de-admined him after all of this.