Author Topic: When you come into a server...  (Read 2544 times)

You shouldn't ask for admin if your a complete and utter stranger.

You shouldnt spam.

You shouldnt ask questions, like for instance, " HoWZz doOs mI MAkeS WaiPInZ????!?!!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!????" post your noobish problem on the forums.

You shouldnt just go around annoying people.

You shouldnt say "this server sucks." when you leave, just leave.

You shouldn't demand that the admin change the server name, minigame, or anything about the server. Like, for instance, "MAKE JETS!!! I WANT JETS!!!!" *presses t, up arrow, and enter over and over again*

But, what does it matter that i say this, it wont make a single difference on the thick headed nooblets that come into my server....


Also, i am going to abandon this forum profile and i will post about my new name latr.

You shouldnt say "this server sucks." when you leave, just leave.
Why not? Some people don't realize their server needs some major improvement. Like when you go on a server and it says "Free build," but then it's a forced DM. Some servers are very unorganized. Some servers just suck. If someone has told you that your server sucks, take their word for it. If someone told me that about my server (which I don't have), I would ask why and improve it if it was needed.

just making this topic prooves that you are a noob.

Yes.... and since I posted here I too am noob.

I've seen people getting called noob on other forums, other games even, but it seems everyone on Blockland is a noob one day or another.

I listen to the "noobs" because those are the people I am trying to entertain by having my server up in the first place. I can't stand blockheads and "noobs" getting kicked because they are a "noob." Even when they haven't broken a rule they seem to be kicked. For instance, I changed my name to "ying yang yo" one day and changed nothing else. My building skills were as average as ever, my grammar was as impecible as ever, yet, by the end of the day, I seemed to be banned from all servers with a running admin.

Once I made a map, was showing it off, and a guy came in, was DL'n the .ter and said it sucked. What the forget.

just making this topic prooves that you are a noob.

just making this topic proves that you are a noob.
lolwut  :cookieMonster:

The fact is that people also look at the player's name.


You ARE a noob for sure.

Let's all rant about a force we can't stop shall we? Topics like these are only contributing to the drama that noobs bring us, the noobs aren't going to see this topic and say "Oh wow, I guess I'm a pretty big ass, I'd better wise up" no, they are either going to deny they are noobs or they are going to say nothing and/or do nothing, I think that making endless topics about them makes you more of one than they are, just let them die a peaceful, unknown death, it worked during the noob flood of RTB and it will work now, stop contributing to the problem you handicapped jackasses.

You shouldnt say "this server sucks." when you leave, just leave.
Why not? Some people don't realize their server needs some major improvement. Like when you go on a server and it says "Free build," but then it's a forced DM. Some servers are very unorganized. Some servers just suck. If someone has told you that your server sucks, take their word for it. If someone told me that about my server (which I don't have), I would ask why and improve it if it was needed.

suggest how to fix it not YOU SUCK I'M LEAVING!

You shouldnt say "this server sucks." when you leave, just leave.
Why not? Some people don't realize their server needs some major improvement. Like when you go on a server and it says "Free build," but then it's a forced DM. Some servers are very unorganized. Some servers just suck. If someone has told you that your server sucks, take their word for it. If someone told me that about my server (which I don't have), I would ask why and improve it if it was needed.

suggest how to fix it not YOU SUCK I'M LEAVING!
Well, yeah. I wasn't implying you should do that. Nothing is implying you should say "YOU SUCK I'M LEAVING!". It's not like a noob saying that should even piss you off anyway. They're noobs, what do they matter?

suggest how to fix it not YOU SUCK I'M LEAVING!
Well, yeah. I wasn't implying you should do that. Nothing is implying you should say "YOU SUCK I'M LEAVING!". It's not like a noob saying that should even piss you off anyway. They're noobs, what do they matter?

Well, after a while, random noobs coming into your server and noobing it all up slowly eats at your sensful reasoning until you blow up all over everybody. :)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 05:25:09 PM by jrmyJoJo »

What I've found is this.

Please don't come into a server and ask for the admin pass. Especially when the server is a freebuild. Note the word. freebuild not freeupload... jeebus.

And another thing. A bunch of people came into my server and spammed the crap out of it, told me they could fix it, when I told them the admin pass, they banned like everybody. Thats my newbie moment, I've learned from it, do noobs? NO. THEY DON'T LEARN.

Never ever use "t, up key, enter, enter, enter, enter, enter.. you get it"

And yes, I also realize that no noob will ever see this post, and no noob will ever change there ways. My only hope of posting this and supporting this topic is that, people who do host servers, no matter what rule they did or did not break, if they start doing something stupid like asking for the pass, please have the balls to ban them. Not forever, just enough to make them realize they did a bad thing. That way, when all the servers start doing that, then maybe the noobs will stop. Or they won't play. Its their choice.

So sir, I support your post. And I hope people will take me up on my offer. But don't be noobish about it yourself. Someones name, for example, does not give them the right to be banned.

Let's all rant about a force we can't stop shall we? Topics like these are only contributing to the drama that noobs bring us, the noobs aren't going to see this topic and say "Oh wow, I guess I'm a pretty big ass, I'd better wise up" no, they are either going to deny they are noobs or they are going to say nothing and/or do nothing, I think that making endless topics about them makes you more of one than they are, just let them die a peaceful, unknown death, it worked during the noob flood of RTB and it will work now, stop contributing to the problem you handicapped jackasses.