Author Topic: TimeShift  (Read 702 times)

So there's a game where you put on a spandex suit and travel through time shooting minorities in the face and you pause time to cheat and win by being a cheating bastard.
Later in the game you go to the Himalayas to shoot robots and white people and you eventually realize that this game is just the average game with a unique game mechanic. Man do I miss games that experimented with random mechanics, Wolfenstein 2009 had Veil powers and it was kinda like a metroidvania game after you unlock the power to go through specified walls and you'd find stuff like carrots and jews and stuff like that.

BDX you made threads in this board on every account you had, stop being so predictable.

10/10 bought six copies

10/10 bought six copies
Cool. By the way please ignore Twerky, just let him get banned again as usual, he's been harassing me in multiple topics and he has been trying to derail them.
Anyways let's turn this into a megathread!

Cool. By the way please ignore Twerky, just let him get banned again as usual, he's been harassing me in multiple topics and he has been trying to derail them.
Anyways let's turn this into a megathread!
there's no point cause once you're banned no-ones gonna update it :C

there's no point cause once you're banned no-ones gonna update it :C
Pourne Ultimatum is BDX777, rebanned.