Author Topic: I got my Report card Today.  (Read 6849 times)

why do you have a class on explosives making

because I live in a semi-conservative state (jk)

It's just an acronym for introduction to engineering design

I got an F in Language Arts/English class because I suck at English evidently

because I live in a semi-conservative state (jk)
It's just an acronym for introduction to engineering design
They had to have done that on purpose.

math : D
english : C
biology : C
media : F
electronics tech : B
german : C
gym : B

all the classes i got a C or a D in probably would've been a B (or at least a high C) if i actually gave a forget about the final

and i got a 0% in media because i never even bothered to go to the class

all the classes i got a C or a D in probably would've been a B (or at least a high C) if i actually gave a forget about the final
my brother

French - A+
German - A
English - A
Geography - A
Religious Studies - A
Science - B
Maths - B
History - B (One percent off an A)

Could have done better :I

All B's :)

best cup size

Operator confirmed terrorist

math : A
english 2 : A
spanish 2 : A
yearbook : A (this was an easy class)
Chemistry : B
Game Art Design : A
Civics and Economics : A

yes i'm asian
Most of the Asian kids I know would freak the forget out if they got a B in a subject.

Most of the Asian kids I know would freak the forget out if they got a B in a subject.
I remember one kid in my last period class was upset because they got bumped down to a B+ instead of an A

I have all a's in all my subjects at home. And I have an a in PE and I have a 99% in shop, the highest grade anyone has ever gotten in shop at my school

Most of the Asian kids I know would freak the forget out if they got a B in a subject.
thats me

Lowest grade was a B+. Highest grade was just on the cusp of an A+, which was AP Euro.
What can I say, I like history.

thats me
ditto. The only b I ever got was in cooking class. But thats cos I burned all the food

i have no idea what the UK grades are equal to in the US system because hahahahahahaha american education system but i got an A* in english so