how did you discover blockland?

Author Topic: how did you discover blockland?  (Read 6061 times)

not sure if it belongs here or in off topic, but anyways

im really into building and stuff, and im into sandbox games

so one day I went to google and and tpyed something like "sandbox game" or something like that, and I found Blockland

I did further research and I liked the looks of it, then I bought it. so yeah

Pablo's videos.
And Filipe!

browseing lego videos

whats this? blockland video

and thats how I discovered blockland

My father showed me vanilla when it came out. Been playing ever sense.

This video:

I know I'm not the only one. Legendary.

I honestly have no idea how I dicovered it.  One day I literally just thought, "Hey, Blockland sounds familiar, what if I google it?" 

2009 baby. 

searching "lego game" on google or something

My dad showed it to me in mid-2008.  After playing the demo off and on for about three months, I bought it.

the orange block

i searched lego game on google in like 2008-2007 cos got bored

My friend showed it to me at his house.

Why doesn't Badspot do more advertising?

It probably boils down to Baddy not getting enough revenue to advertise very extensively. 

We're not Roblox, people. 

awesome lego house on youtube