Author Topic: anime question: original language w/subs or wo or english dubs?  (Read 1436 times)

a few dubs are better like the smt series uhh
i find full metal alchemist better in english

Original language with subs. Dubs can be good too, don't get me wrong. But when people like 4Kids get their hands on anime and americanize every single thing and throw in extremely bad and unfitting voice acting + annoying's just terrible.

Anime is disgusting

Cowboy Bebap is as far as I go, and the English dubs are pretty good

As long as it's not written in moonrunes, I prefer subbed

I usually prefer dubs

If i like the dub i stick to the dub. if i dont i switch to the sub

I almost always go subbed, though there are a few series that are definitely equal if not better to watch dubbed.
If I'm starting a well known series I might check out MAL for a sub vs dub on it and see which people generally prefer.

I'm indifferent
Either way is fine with me

If i like the dub i stick to the dub. if i dont i switch to the sub
generally I do this, unless the dub is atrocious.

There plenty of good dubs out there:
Big O
Most of the Gundam series
Ghost in the Shell
Black Lagoon
Cowboy Bebop

I don't understand what makes something a bad dub.

Could someone enlighten me?

I don't understand what makes something a bad dub.
bad dub = stuffty voice acting/terrible humor/complete change of dialogue
good dub = great voice acting/improves upon original dialog or amplifies it

bible black is an example of amazing english dubbing

bad dub = stuffty voice acting/terrible humor/complete change of dialogue
good dub = great voice acting/improves upon original dialog or amplifies it
Wouldn't it be kinda hard to tell if it's bad or not if you haven't watched it in its original language?

Wouldn't it be kinda hard to tell if it's bad or not if you haven't watched it in its original language?
I guess it depends on who is watching, tastes, opinions, etc.