Author Topic: Secrets found out about 180 spin and help needed  (Read 1949 times)

So.... In the 180 spin client, there's this lil' secret.

_____________________________ _____________

function bind180(%val)
   $mvYaw = $pi;
function bind360(%val)
function doA360YoloSwagSpin(%num)
   if(%num >= 8)
   $mvYaw = $pi/4;
   $YoloSwagSpinSched = schedule(50,0,doA360YoloSwagSpin,%num+1);
function checkl33tProSkills()
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
   if(strPos($pref::Player::NetName,"KyleM") > -1) $Pref::KyleM = 1;
function AddBind(%division, %name, %command)
      if($remapDivision[%i] $= %division)
         %foundDiv = 1;
      if(%foundDiv && $remapDivision[%i] !$= "")
         %position = %i;
      error("Division not found: " @ %division);
      $remapName[$remapCount] = %name;
      $remapCmd[$remapCount] = %command;
      $remapDivision[%i] = $remapDivision[%i - 1];
      $remapName[%i] = $remapName[%i - 1];
      $remapCmd[%i] = $remapCmd[%i - 1];
   $remapDivision[%position] = "";
   $remapName[%position] = %name;
   $remapCmd[%position] = %command;
   AddBind("View","180 Spin","bind180");
      %bind = moveMap.getBinding("bind360");
      if(strLen(%bind) > 0)
   $Swol::Bind180 = 1;

_____________________________ _____________________________ __

And the help is, how do I change the speed of the 360 rotation?

Btw, I just changed the stuff from these things to my name for lil' secret 360.

This should probably go in coding help. I'm sorry, I don't know enough to answer your problem.

Try adding 360XXXPROSHOT to your name.
The way he coded it to be that way is ridiculous, he should have just added a 360 spin keybind.

This code is stupid

And the help is, how do I change the speed of the 360 rotation?
Anyways, everything you want is in this function:
function doA360YoloSwagSpin(%num)
   if(%num >= 8)
   $mvYaw = $pi/4;
   $YoloSwagSpinSched = schedule(50,0,doA360YoloSwagSpin,%num+1);
Right now, this function is turning you 360 degrees by turning you 45 degrees 8 times every 50ms.
You can do two things to change the speed: increase the number of turn iterations by increasing the 8 in if(%num >= 8) and the 4 in $mvYaw = $pi/4 proportionally. For example, if you multiple both my two, you'll instead turn twice as slow, but twice as smooth (22.5 degrees, 16 times). If you don't change the two proportionally, you'll still turn, but it won't be an exact 360
You can also change the 50 in the line $yoloswagspinsched = schedule(..... A larger number will make it turn slower, a smaller number will make it turn faster.

Try adding 360XXXPROSHOT to your name.
The way he coded it to be that way is ridiculous, he should have just added a 360 spin keybind.
I already have the keybind.


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« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 05:11:30 PM by Badspot »