Author Topic: Fullscreen crashes blockland  (Read 3100 times)

Hi, I play on a macbook and when I launch the game it works just fine, but when I go into options and I check full screen and press apply the game doesn't crash, but the window disappears, I can still see the blockland logo on the bottom of my screen but I can't see blockland.

My settings:
Display Driver: OpenGL
Resolution: 800x600
Bit Depth: Default
Refresh Rate: 0
Fullscreen [X]
Borderless []
Disable VSync [X]


Have you by any chance, an other monitor connected to your computer?
A tv screen for example.
Even one that is not activated?

It could be that Blockland goes to fullscreen on the other screen and you don't noticed it.

Can you post your console.log?

I don't have another monitor
how do I access my console.log?
(Sorry I'm new)

You'll find it in there.

Or if you have a retail Blockland, its in the Blockland folder in My Documents


System & Processor Information:
  Mac OS X 10.9.2
  2.0 GB RAM
  2.26 GHz unknown Mac model (2 cores)
    x86 Architecture
    MMX detected
    SSE detected
Math Init:
   Installing Standard C extensions
   Installing Assembly extensions
   Installing SSE extensions
Input Init:

Video Init:
   Accelerated OpenGL display device detected.

Blockland v21m build 1931
Module Directory: /Users/home/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Blockland
Profile Path: /Users/home/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Blockland
Total Ram: 2048 MB
OS: OSX 10.9.2 r199506

--------- Parsing Arguments ---------
argc = 4
argv[2] = -noconsole
argv[3] = -steam
Parsing command line arguments: -noconsole -steam
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
--------- Loading Common ---------
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Loading compiled script base/main.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/defaults.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaults.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaultAddOnList.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/defaultMusicList.cs.
--------- Loading MODS ---------

--------- Initializing Base ---------
Loading compiled script base/client/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/init.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/canvas.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/audio.cs.

--------- Initializing Base: Server ---------------------
Initializing steamAPI...
  SteamAPI initialization successful, allocating steam objects
Steam initialized...
Steam unlock successful, will use Steam authentication
Loading compiled script base/server/mainServer.cs.
Loading compiled script base/server/scripts/game.cs.

--------- Initializing Base: Client ---------------------
Loading compiled script base/client/message.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/mission.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/missionDownload.cs.
Loading compiled script base/client/actionMap.cs.
Activating the OpenGL display device...
Activating the OpenGL display device...
Cleaning up the display device...
>> Attempting to change display settings to windowed 800x600x32@60Hz...
Created new window for GL [800 x 600].
  port = 11067184
Successfully set up AGL windowed support [800 x 600]
  doesn't need to ressurect
  saved prefs
OpenGL driver information:
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M OpenGL Engine
  Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.11 310.90.9b01
OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions
  ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: 8)
  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropi c (Max anisotropy: 16.000000)
OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions

  Video::setDevice - activate call done
  Video::setDevice - resetting canvas
Resetting Canvas...

OpenAL Driver Init:
   Vendor: Any
   Version: OpenAL 1.2
   Renderer: Software

Loading compiled script base/client/scripts/allClientScripts.cs.
Activating package: CanvasCursor
Loading compiled script base/client/ui/allClientGuis.gui.

--------- Loading Client Add-Ons ---------

Client checking Add-On: GameMode_Tutorial
Loading Add-On: GameMode_Tutorial (CRC:-1820115138)
Executing Add-Ons/GameMode_Tutorial/client.cs.
Executing add-ons/GameMode_Tutorial/tutorialCompletedGui.gui.

Client checking Add-On: Client_FavServers
Loading Add-On: Client_FavServers (CRC:-1914091715)
Executing Add-Ons/Client_FavServers/client.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Client_FavServers/FavServ_Add.gui.
Unable to open file 'config/client/favserv.cs for writing.
Activating package: FavServers

Client checking Add-On: Bot_Hole
Loading Add-On: Bot_Hole (CRC:758391552)
Executing Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/client.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/wrenchBotDlg.gui.
Executing Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/wrenchBotDlg.cs.
Activating package: ClientBotHolePackage

Binding server port to default IP
UDP initialized on port 1976
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Error opening zip (Add-Ons/, need to handle this better...
Starting client steam authentication...

Setting default shader level...
  csm not supported
  Shader level set to 0

Engine initialized...
Received stats and achievements from Steam

Authentication: SUCCESS
Could not create a description for binding: ;
Could not create a description for binding: /
Could not create a description for binding: cmd /
Could not create a description for binding: alt ;
Exporting initial client prefs
Unable to open file 'config/client/prefs.cs for writing.
Exporting client config
Unable to open file 'config/client/config.cs' for writing.
Video::setScreenMode 800, 600, 0, 0
Cleaning up the display device...
Killing the texture manager...
Making sure the rendering context is not current...
Deleting the rendering context...
Destroying the window...
>> Attempting to change display settings to fullscreen 800x600x32@0Hz...
Could not find valid pixel format
Failed to set up AGLFullscreen support.
DSp Error: Invalid attributes
DSpContext_Reserve() had an error.
Failed to establish DrawSprocket monitor control.

Try turning the resolution up a little. On my previous computer, if I didn't have the resolution high enough the screen would turn white.

Try turning the resolution up a little. On my previous computer, if I didn't have the resolution high enough the screen would turn white.

Didn't work

Has it ever worked properly, or has it always done this?

It has always done this

>> Attempting to change display settings to fullscreen 800x600x32@0Hz...
Could not find valid pixel format
Failed to set up AGLFullscreen support.
DSp Error: Invalid attributes
DSpContext_Reserve() had an error.
Failed to establish DrawSprocket monitor control.
This whole back part is very important to solving the issue at hand. It seems that the failing pixel format caused everything to go downhill, causing everything to error or be invalid. Test somerthing for me: try to edit your bit rate, go fullscreen, and see what happens. Although it probably is not be the case, it might do something.

I can't edit my "bit rate"
I assume you mean the fresh rate? When I click on fullscreen it keeps saying "0"

Now that I've saved the "Fullscreen" option
everytime I launch blockland it launches in "fullscreen"
but of course, full screen doesn't work
and my blockland is messed up now
I can't even play anymore.

I've deleted and re-installed blockland
all of my settings were deleted so I can play now, but full screen still won't work.

Ugh, problem after problem
now that blockland works it won't save my preferences (settings), the way to fix this is to download the blockland launcher demo, put it in the steam folder and re-name it to "Blockland" but the launcher remembers my preferences so it's "stuck" on fullscreen mode again.