Author Topic: Blockland Community getting more tribal?  (Read 3445 times)

Since I took a long break from Blockland, When I came back to play again all I see are Swastikas and racism everywhere. I mean I can't join a random Freebuild without being confronted with a huge red Swastika. And people tend to just not care, Like it's supposed to be there. I get that a good 25% of people on the internet are tribal, I'm just surprised that it hit Blockland with a great force.

I was just wondering why this has been happening. (no hate)

it's not just blockland, its the internet as a whole

dont worry its just a phase

it's not just blockland, its the internet as a whole

dont worry its just a phase
Alright, just wanted to point this stuff out :l I hope it ends soon though.

At the launch of v21, most freebuilds consisted of nothing but giant richards. The swastika was originally a symbol for peace and good luck, anyway.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 04:32:37 AM by the hacker »

The swastika was originally a symbol for peace and good luck.
Still doesn't explain the racial slurs people say on BL.

They are joking/trolling. I doubt they are actually tribal irl

Uhh. Racism... Swastika... Not seeing it.
Ignoring that, the sheer naivete of this actual post is pretty incredible.

None of those people are neo national socialist's if that's what you're implying. They build those for shock value. This community is far from discriminatory, you'll find most of the users of this forum are homoloveual furries as a matter of fact.

Just look for different servers and you should be okay.

None of those people are neo national socialist's if that's what you're implying. They build those for shock value. This community is far from discriminatory, you'll find most of the users of this forum are homoloveual furries as a matter of fact.
"Shock value?" You can't be serious, it's just become a goofy running joke that nobody takes seriously. This isn't just a Blockland thing.

I'm not saying I, or you, or much of the Blockland community, was shocked by it, but the shock value exists. It's why this thread exists. The OP is asking if the Blockland community is getting more discriminatory (because we associate the swastika with the national socialist party, who commit genocide), and I explained that these people do not represent the national socialist party or their ideals, and offered an alternative explanation.

What's the condescending attitude for?

It is not being done for "shock value."

It's a form of communication that was built to invoke negative emotions. What exactly am I supposed to call it?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 06:11:14 AM by Rally »

I am aware what shock value is. Are you even reading my posts?

Yes, you're criticizing my use of the term shock value when there's nothing wrong with the way I'm using it. Are you reading mine?