Author Topic: Blockland Community getting more tribal?  (Read 3420 times)

well how do you know the swastikas were about being tribal then?
no one said anything. there wasnt a sign someone left explaining anything.

you are going on about what people are saying about Riddler, when nothing was said.
quit trying to be offended.

tribal should have thier bl keys revoked

I loving hate tribals

at my server, just 1 swastika or kool kids klub symbol could get you perma'd
Stawp promoting your survur!!11!11!

This seems to be an attitude that a lot of people on the internet share, but it seems to me that it's total bullstuff.

First of all, people constantly act like immature starfishs and pawn it off as "trolling." That's not a valid justification. It doesn't make richardish behavior acceptable. Most of the time it's not particularly funny or shocking either, it's just this internet-wide circlejerk of "lol Riddler did nothing wrong" and "haha mondays" perpetuated by a bunch of kids and cave-dwelling starfishs. There's a point when offensive comedy steps over from cleverly insulting humor, and instead just becomes blatant racism and loveism and so on. But I digress; the point is these people aren't excused because they're trolls, they're just starfishs.

With regards to them not being tribal in real life, I find that people who "pretend" to be tribal are actually just tribal. If you act like an idiot all the time, you'll quickly cross the line from pretending to being.

Are you being oppressed? Are you being banned from servers for your ethnicity? Are you being cheated out of money or anything materialistic or legitimate because of your skin color? Are you treated differently at all, in any sense or shape or form, because of your race? We're not trying to justify any bad behavior here, we're just saying that it's not racism. When you call harmless long-since erased symbols on a game about loving lego racism, you're practically undermining real victims and sufferers of racism. Call them whatever you want, offensive, childish, immature, trolls, tribals, this community is not tribal in the slightest, there has been no evidence at all of this community (as a whole) being intolerant of minorities.

You're just offended about something that makes literally no impact on your life at all. Sorry, but just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're inherently right.

There's a point when offensive comedy steps over from cleverly insulting humor, and instead just becomes blatant racism and loveism and so on. But I digress; the point is these people aren't excused because they're trolls, they're just starfishs.
You beaned it right there. And then missed again. They are being tribal/loveist, but they're not fully aware of who they are hurting. To them, it's just a digital screen. So they say "it's just a joke, dont get so mad!" when in reality they're still being tribal/loveist due to the fact it only affects people of certain races/lovees.

Are you being oppressed? Are you being banned from servers for your ethnicity? Are you being cheated out of money or anything materialistic or legitimate because of your skin color? Are you treated differently at all, in any sense or shape or form, because of your race? We're not trying to justify any bad behavior here, we're just saying that it's not racism.

Well sure, people on Blockland aren't making colored-only servers and banning people because of their race, but racism is still very much alive here as much as the rest of the internet. The ubiquity of the word "monday" is certainly evidence of that (and I truly hope we can all agree that calling people mondays is, at the very least, underscored by racism). For some reason people think that using it frequently or casually makes it acceptable, but it doesn't. And of course, this applies to a fair amount of loveism and family values (the prevalence of the word "friend" is still an issue) and the like. People can argue that just using these kinds of words casually isn't wrong, but good luck convincing any reasonable person that you're open minded and not tribal when you go around calling people mondays for fun (not you specifically, but in general).

this community is not tribal in the slightest

Are... are you... I have to assume you're joking here, or are completely delusional. Sure, not everyone is tribal, and I'm sure that the majority of Blocklanders aren't even tribal. But the way that's phrased, it's almost like you're saying that nobody is tribal at all, and that's total bullstuff. I presume that's not what you had intended to say, but the point still stands.

You're just offended about something that makes literally no impact on your life at all. Sorry, but just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're inherently right.

That's a fairly halfassed strawman; I never in any sense implied that I was personally offended. Pointing out stuffty behavior doesn't make me automatically offended by it, so don't jump to the "oh you must be offended and therefore think you're right" argument. I'm frustrated by people pretending that racism isn't racism, sure, but I'm not offended.

And really, my original post was more about starfishs trying to justify being starfishs by pawning it off as trolling, I didn't intend to go into detail on the racism aspect in particular.

Badspot can allow or not allow as he pleases on the forums. But in a game server, unless people are actually getting banned for ethnicity, there is absolutely zero problems. Nor is it any of your business what goes on in other servers.
If it's your own server then just ban them. Don't even tell us about it. The sky is blue! People troll!
We don't care for your forum spam to cry about non issues.

Well sure, people on Blockland aren't making colored-only servers and banning people because of their race, but racism is still very much alive here as much as the rest of the internet. The ubiquity of the word "monday" is certainly evidence of that (and I truly hope we can all agree that calling people mondays is, at the very least, underscored by racism). For some reason people think that using it frequently or casually makes it acceptable, but it doesn't. And of course, this applies to a fair amount of loveism and family values (the prevalence of the word "friend" is still an issue) and the like. People can argue that just using these kinds of words casually isn't wrong, but good luck convincing any reasonable person that you're open minded and not tribal when you go around calling people mondays for fun (not you specifically, but in general).

The ubiquity of the word monday is owed mainly to Black communities for accepting it as a dear of endearment to one another, thus integrating into the media, thus integrating into society. The use of the word monday, friend, handicap are all stripped of their implicative properties when used as an insult. When you see someone calling someone a monday, they are not implying they're inferior because they are black, they are just insulting them. Same for friend and handicap. There is no family values in singular words, it doesn't work like that. A single word cannot hold a political idea. If the terms are used in their actual original uses then yes, that is tribal or homophobic, but I don't see that happening here, like, at all. And when it does, they are banned shortly afterward.

Are... are you... I have to assume you're joking here, or are completely delusional. Sure, not everyone is tribal, and I'm sure that the majority of Blocklanders aren't even tribal. But the way that's phrased, it's almost like you're saying that nobody is tribal at all, and that's total bullstuff. I presume that's not what you had intended to say, but the point still stands.

No, I'm not delusional, you're just an idiot. You're making a blanket statement for an entire forum of people based on the actions of a few people that you can't even prove exist. When one person in a neighborhood turns out to be a murderer we don't label the entire neighborhood as 'potentially murderous'.

That's a fairly halfassed strawman; I never in any sense implied that I was personally offended. Pointing out stuffty behavior doesn't make me automatically offended by it, so don't jump to the "oh you must be offended and therefore think you're right" argument. I'm frustrated by people pretending that racism isn't racism, sure, but I'm not offended. And really, my original post was more about starfishs trying to justify being starfishs by pawning it off as trolling, I didn't intend to go into detail on the racism aspect in particular.

It's not a halfassed strawman, it's completely true. You are complaining about singular words and implying they're racism when they hold absolutely no political context behind them at all. That's just you being offended. This does not impact your life at all. And yeah, they are starfishs, trying to troll. Could they be tribal? Possibly? Anybody has the potential to be a tribal, whether or not they built a swastika on a server under an anonymous identity for a few kicks (which you have sufficiently supplied)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 08:07:50 PM by Rally »

Racism on Blockland is no joke; I take mine very seriously.

The ubiquity of the word monday is owed mainly to Black communities for accepting it as a dear of endearment to one another, thus integrating into the media, thus integrating into society.

I hear this argument a lot, and I just don't buy it. Maybe the prominent rappers are using the word "brother" as much as they can, but they in no way represent the majority of the black community. But it seems like a great deal of white people don't know any black people in real life, but do know of the black musicians. Of all the black people I know, none of them think using the word monday is cool, and are annoyed by its use. Maybe if you took a census of all black people in the US (and in the world), most people might be okay with it. I can't really say. But it's far from integrated into society, and most people acknowledge that it's a tribal phrase.

There is no family values in singular words, it doesn't work like that. A single word cannot hold a political idea. If the terms are used in their actual original uses then yes, that is tribal or homophobic

Using words which are historically tribal or homophobic, even if used out of a historical context, can still hold the weight of that history. Sure, many words have been watered down and become part of common use, but words like "monday" and "friend" are still very much being used against homoloveuals and black people. A word that has always been tribal doesn't just cease to hold any tribal meaning just because you interpret it as such. Language works in interesting ways, in that words tend to have whatever meanings or implications are placed upon them by society. The majority of society (rightly, I think) views the word "monday" as tribal, and so it shall remain for quite some time. You can argue against it, but good luck casually throwing out "monday" in conversation with someone and not being considered a tribal starfish.

No, I'm not delusional, you're just an idiot. You're making a blanket statement for an entire forum of people based on the actions of a few people that you can't even prove exist. When one person in a neighborhood turns out to be a murderer we don't label the entire neighborhood as 'potentially murderous'.

I was responding to your blanket statement. You know, the one where you said that the community isn't even slightly tribal? I specifically said that the majority of Blocklanders probably aren't tribal, but that there is definitely still racism here from some users, ergo your blanket statement was invalid. Please don't call me an idiot and then say something that's completely wrong. To reiterate: you made a blanket statement, I pointed out that the statement in question was simply false, and then you called me an idiot for making a blanket statement.

It's not a halfassed strawman, it's completely true. You are complaining about singular words and implying they're racism when they hold absolutely no political context behind them at all. That's just you being offended. This does not impact your life at all.

I said that I was annoyed by starfishs thinking that calling themselves trolls gives them a free pass to continue being starfishs. It's not that I'm personally offended, it's that it annoys me. Mosquitos and misuse of the word "literally" also annoy me, but they don't offend me. Someone can be bothered by stupidity without being offended by it. Stop trying to go the "you're offended" route, it's completely irrelevant anyway.

This does not impact your life at all.

Yes, it does. Maybe not personally, as I'm not typically subject to discrimination based on race. But I'd like to be in a community people are welcomed regardless of race or love or whatever. There are black people in this community (not many), but I doubt most black people would feel comfortable here if there were people calling one another mondays, or calling black people mondays.

And even if something doesn't seem to affect me, you can't always know for sure. Perhaps a black modder had considered coming to play the game, who would have created some fantastic gamemodes or weapon packs or whatever, but chose not to play because the community seemed tribal (and again, I'm not saying the whole loving Blockland community is tribal). It's unlikely, but these things can be more relevant that we think.


On topic, I really am indifferent to whatever racism there is on these forums.  I mean what, is someone going to sue [guywho'sprobablydeadnow]  just because of some little racy remark? The real concern should be more toward official sites meant for well-mannered users, not really on a forum site for a barely heard of game like this (though this does have its fanbase).

I hear this argument a lot, and I just don't buy it. Maybe the prominent rappers are using the word "brother" as much as they can, but they in no way represent the majority of the black community. But it seems like a great deal of white people don't know any black people in real life, but do know of the black musicians. Of all the black people I know, none of them think using the word monday is cool, and are annoyed by its use. Maybe if you took a census of all black people in the US (and in the world), most people might be okay with it. I can't really say. But it's far from integrated into society, and most people acknowledge that it's a tribal phrase.

Personal anecdotes do not constitute a valid argument. Your lack of exposure to the term is not indicative of it's world wide use.

Far from integrated into society? Have you watched TV lately?

Using words which are historically tribal or homophobic, even if used out of a historical context, can still hold the weight of that history.

No. Words are a form of communication. They hold absolutely 0 weight at all. How they are used in context is what holds weight. When they are not being used in tribal or homophobic formats, the are not tribal or homophobic.

Sure, many words have been watered down and become part of common use, but words like "monday" and "friend" are still very much being used against homoloveuals and black people.

I implore you to find an example of this community as a whole using homophobic and racial slurs against minorities. Better yet, report it, and watch them get banned a day later.

A word that has always been tribal doesn't just cease to hold any tribal meaning just because you interpret it as such. Language works in interesting ways, in that words tend to have whatever meanings or implications are placed upon them by society.

Empty insults do not suddenly attain racial or homophobic interpretations when they do not hold racial or homophobic implications, as you are interpreting them. And yes! Words mean only what their context is implying. You're contradicting yourself. P.S.: "interesting ways" is not a get out of jail free card from explaining your point.

The majority of society (rightly, I think) views the word "monday" as tribal, and so it shall remain for quite some time. You can argue against it, but good luck casually throwing out "monday" in conversation with someone and not being considered a tribal starfish.

Again, it's about context. I have often used the word monday as an insult to my friends, black, white, yellow, red, orange, whatever skin color, and none of them care, because they know I am not a tribal and they're not pathetic, and mainly because they use the term very often themselves. Nobody involved is a tribal.

At the end of the day this entire argument is worthless. You're calling the blockland community tribal because they use racial slurs, but do not exemplify any actual tribal traits. There is no oppression or discrimination occurring in this community. Your feelings, or anyone else's feelings, being hurt, does not prove anything.

I was responding to your blanket statement. You know, the one where you said that the community isn't even slightly tribal? I specifically said that the majority of Blocklanders probably aren't tribal, but that there is definitely still racism here from some users, ergo your blanket statement was invalid. Please don't call me an idiot and then say something that's completely wrong. To reiterate: you made a blanket statement, I pointed out that the statement in question was simply false, and then you called me an idiot for making a blanket statement.

My blanket statement? You are the only with the assertive claims here pal (without any evidence, at all, I might add). It is not up to me to prove your assertion false, it's on your shoulders to prove it right.

The question this thread is asking is if the Blockland community is tribal. Nobody cares about a select few individuals. Any community could potentially be home to tribals. I have seen a grand total of no evidence of racism being exemplified in this community, tribals present or not.

Please do not call me delusional when you are the one making strange assertions with no evidence or support to back it, other than the idea that there is a statistical likelihood that one or more members of the community could be harboring hostile ideology (which is true in almost every aspect of life)

I said that I was annoyed by starfishs thinking that calling themselves trolls gives them a free pass to continue being starfishs. It's not that I'm personally offended, it's that it annoys me. Mosquitos and misuse of the word "literally" also annoy me, but they don't offend me. Someone can be bothered by stupidity without being offended by it. Stop trying to go the "you're offended" route, it's completely irrelevant anyway.

How is it completely irrelevant? It's what you're building your entire argument on, personal anecdotes.

Yes, it does. Maybe not personally, as I'm not typically subject to discrimination based on race. But I'd like to be in a community people are welcomed regardless of race or love or whatever. There are black people in this community (not many), but I doubt most black people would feel comfortable here if there were people calling one another mondays, or calling black people mondays.

Nobody here can see anyone's skin color. The only time the word monday is found offensive is when it is used by a white person (and the only people who are offended are people like you, who aren't even "typically subject to discrimination"). When it is used by black people in address to other black people, it is just a subject. Through this logic, it's safe to say that the only offense that comes out of the use of the term monday is built on assumptions, and shouldn't even offend anyone in the first place. They're just words.

And even if something doesn't seem to affect me, you can't always know for sure. Perhaps a black modder had considered coming to play the game, who would have created some fantastic gamemodes or weapon packs or whatever, but chose not to play because the community seemed tribal (and again, I'm not saying the whole loving Blockland community is tribal). It's unlikely, but these things can be more relevant that we think.

That sounds like a highly unrealistic and explosive human who would probably do more harm to the community than good. P.S.: Seems tribal and is tribal are separated by a very thin line. Your point makes no sense.

I like how most of the people that get offended for swastikas or words like monday are actually white, non-jew people who just get offended over things that have nothing to do with them, while the actual blacks/jews often couldn't care less.