Author Topic: What did you do for the fourth of July?  (Read 2087 times)

Washed my 1965 Ford Mustang like any real American with a nice car should do.
Thread winner right here

I cleaned the house, rode in the car for three and a half hours and watched fireworks at a gas station in Troy, Illinios

me and my friend played l4d2 and some other xbox games then we went to go see fireworks
it was great

im too ashamed to tell more
Oh come on, you can tell me personally

Oh come on, you can tell me personally
i dunno sounds shady

Played watchdogs for a while, went outside with my dad and shot off fireworks (but almost had to visit the ER cause morning glory sparklers blew up while they were in my hand)

worked all day painting and sanding
came home and ate some sushi
sat on the beach and watched some fireworks

Oh, forgot my dad and I blew up a bike in our yard. It was epic. My dad tied a smoke target to it and shot it with his new semi-auto rifle he just built. We never found all the pieces of that poor bicycle. The blast left a bare circle in the yard at the treeline.

I'll see if I can post a picture of it

My family lit off two small fountains. We then burned their boxes.

as an American I feel somewhat ashamed

At least we're doing more tomorrow night.

Oh, forgot my dad and I blew up a bike in our yard. It was epic. My dad tied a smoke target to it and shot it with his new semi-auto rifle he just built. We never found all the pieces of that poor bicycle. The blast left a bare circle in the yard at the treeline.
thats the most american thing ive ever heard

I found 2 stolen cars and took a guy to jail for possesion of a stolen vehicle.

i dunno sounds shady
don't worry, I'll keep it a secret for a while

Read about American history. I'm still only upto the direct aftermath of the American Revolution.

You guys are lucky in the sense that you have an incredibly vivid and unique history. Australia was basically some chavs going to a country of black people, they fought for a bit then made the black people drunk, they found some gold, had a bit of a tantrum and then we censored video games.


Read about American history. I'm still only upto the direct aftermath of the American Revolution.
You guys are lucky in the sense that you have an incredibly vivid and unique history. Australia was basically some chavs going to a country of black people, they fought for a bit then made the black people drunk, they found some gold, had a bit of a tantrum and then we censored video games.
well american history can be simplified too
we just came over here and committed several genocides, then some old people in white wigs wrote a few strongly worded letters to britain. then we popularized guerrilla warfare, became a country, popularized guerrilla warfare again, and got involved in everybody else's business for the rest of eternity

well american history can be simplified too
we just came over here and committed several genocides, then some old people in white wigs wrote a few strongly worded letters to britain. then we popularized guerrilla warfare, became a country, popularized guerrilla warfare again, and got involved in everybody else's business for the rest of eternity
don't forget the bit where a guy with a beard wanted to do some renovations