

Continuation of Electrk's "Dark Lord Hodot" series
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BROCKRAND: The Movie (in comic form)
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Total Members Voted: 70

Author Topic: BROCKRAND COMICS: MERR CHRIMBUS  (Read 559582 times)

I made that face from this

brokerund image-less comixx

hodork: i saved someone's life today guys what do you think
ppl: congrats gj hodot ur a good person
das: u should maybe have considered if he may be better off dead
ppl: *looks at das*
ppl: ...
ppl: wtf
das: wat is it that unreasonable of a thought
ppl: *wtf intensifies*

i made this one in sketchpad.

based off of UCG getting mad when people tell him off for being a mary sue

Is Nix Kououtek Jr with the faces n whatnot

good lord those faces
they're magnificent

should i make one of boomstick aswell

okay coming right up

but first
there's this tool called "fur"
but this is what it does

excuse me that is not fur
that is loving dry spaghetti

here's your paul comic

that's freek, tablesalt, space1255, merp, and willymcwilly, if you were wondering

[im g]http://66.media.tumblr.com/36ccd5f84092dcdaa83f386915caf420/tumblr_nefhnmf4k11tgaj00o1_1280.png[/img]
ho stuff i remember making this

these are breddy good, i like your style nix