Author Topic: 3 years ago i bought blockland  (Read 2535 times)

3 years ago today (7/6/11) i bought blockland, and im glad i did because it was one of the best decisions i made because i met alot of new people here, and ive met a stuffload of good people
anyway, this game was one of the best games i've purchased, and the community is like no others.
anyway, you guys are cool
ty for the awesome, and weird 3 years of my life i had so far.

i wonder what happened to people who have been here as long as i have

i mean check my first post ever and you see some of the old guys

today's actually my 7 year anniversary i'm pretty sure
7/6/2007 i believe

In October, it will be 2 years.

Well I've been on the forums for four years, playing retail a little longer. And lord Blockland sense V0002 back in like '06

Please dont turn this into a bragging contest. But I agree, the best £10 i've ever spent

i bought it 3 years ago on november i forget the day

Please dont turn this into a bragging contest.
What, like every "ive been playing for [] years" thread?

and three years ago you sold your soul to the devil, only now you are looking back and asking yourself "was it worth it?"

i think i bought blockland on july 8th 2011
all i know that's it's a day or two before i made my forum account

i actually didn't know when i first joined, it was 19 Sep 2008 according to my paypal transactions

I bought it about 5 years ago.

I bought blockland 6 years ago.