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Author Topic: T̶u̶m̶b̶l̶r̶ wofl Megathread  (Read 436946 times)


this just in: being offended by everything under the sun is the good thing, people who need trigger warnings on food and oxygen and other vital things are holy saints and those who don't are unbelievably stuffty people who have no concept of personality or emotion.

yeah, shocking, I know!

kimon i think you're an okay guy but my biggest problem with you is that you put a lot of effort into finding sjw-related stuff to complain about, even if you don't really care about the subject. i don't like the majority of sjws because they're really hostile but i don't go out of my way to search for those blogs just so i can complain about them. it's stupid.
alright this is old but i'll respond. i admit i dont really care much about ghostbusters, but i seriously put 0 effort into this. like i'll see it on my dash and think "hm. what a good topic to debate. or talk about. but you know thats not gonna happen."

i do care about marvel and jontron and all that though

friendly reminder to hail satan (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

friendly reminder to hail satan (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
remember to only sacrifice the cis white males uWu

"I am offended by people saying that I am easily offended. To prove them wrong, I shall tell them that I am offended and that they should stop offending me."

Gameplay is the more important but there's no real excuse for games to have bad stories. Not having a story at all is an
entirely different thing.

Also the Walking Dead is heavily story-based so I don't see it having great gameplay for a point and click-ish game. Not my kind of game either.

friendly reminder to hail satan (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
remember to only sacrifice the cis white males uWu

more triggers for the losers

Am I in the minority when I think the gameplay of a game is more important than the story? I mean if the gameplay is bad I don't want to play it at all, but if the story is bad and the gameplay is still fun I can play it. A lot of games with no story at all are still really fun. But this recent trends of videogames that are just a movie is getting pretty annoying.

Like The Walking Dead game, I played the first one and started to get really bored towards the end of it. I really enjoyed the story but the gameplay had no effect on what happened in the long run. The same people always died, the story still went the same way no matter what decision you made. Maybe the way things played out changed but in the end it still happened. I bought the second Walking Dead game and after the first episode I can't bring myself to play it. I just watch play throughs on youtube because the gameplay is so boring.
spec ops: the line was exactly this. i could give less of a hoot what story or setting it had. the gameplay itself was unplayable, unforgivable trash.

Also continuing on how I don't find the story of the game to be super important to my enjoyment of it.

I understand that most games have a white male lead but I don't get why that's some super tribal/misogynist thing. Like with the Walking Dead game, the lead character is black. That didn't make me feel less connected to him than a game with a white male lead. Than in the second Walking Dead game the lead character is a little girl, still feel the same. That's why I don't understand why having a male as the lead character would stop women from playing games.

I guess movies are different but the movie Jackie Brown has a black woman as the main character of the movie. I enjoyed the movie a lot since it was just a good movie. The fact that she was a black woman never alienated me from the story. The lead character doesn't affect how I enjoy the movie if it's a good movie. It's the same for games. The lead character has no affect on how I enjoy the game if the gameplay and story are good. I don't play games or watch movies to experience my everyday life, I do it to do something that is outside of my everyday life.

the problem is that people appear to think that gender has anything to do with a good character.

some people just prefer making their characters male, other people prefer making them female. it's all about preferences, and to yell at people for not making the main character a certain race and a certain gender is really stupid.

saw a post that said "I don't care what your loveuality, gender or skin color is, I only care if you're a nice human being." The response was "So you're loveist, tribal AND sensible?"

I'm not going on tumblr anymore.

people on tumblr dont care about the movie
they care about whether or not they can be offended by it, its actors, director, staff, depiction of minorities or any other insignificant detail

saw a post that said "I don't care what your loveuality, gender or skin color is, I only care if you're a nice human being." The response was "So you're loveist, tribal AND sensible?"

I'm not going on tumblr anymore.
stop offending the otherkin friend

It's not about not liking to play as white men. Idc who I'm playing as if I enjoy the character.

It's that we get games with white male lead roles all the time. It's an expectation. It's more about representation than actually being turned off from games bc there's a white male lead.