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63 (50.4%)

Total Members Voted: 125

Author Topic: T̶u̶m̶b̶l̶r̶ wofl Megathread  (Read 438019 times)

why do you guys act like it's just one hivemind
like if it was then this thread wouldn't be what it... is

we can't go 10 pages in this thread without having a social justice related argument

we can't go 10 pages in this thread without having a social justice related argument
well damn that's all tumblr really has going for it though

well damn that's all tumblr really has going for it though


tumblr has no real "main subject", it's either randomized comedy or social justice arguments
and they're not even civilized arguments (on tumblr, at least), they're pretty much just constant stuff-throwing from both sides until everyone gets tired

squirrelkin, suffering from PTSD caused by a chicken laying eggs

Genetically Modified Berry compared to Organic Berry:

Note that the modified specimen is bloated to about 3 times the mass of the common berry. Advanced rot has set in prior to maturity and tests revealed 78% more lactic acid in the modified organism.

Upon contact with the modified berry, the picker’s hands exhibited a rash which is clearly visible on the fingers and should not be mistaken for juice stains acquired during picking. While the common berry, of course, has no ill effects on the skin, the modified organism had an effect similar to poison oak and swelling set in shortly after the photo was taken.  The discoloration and pain lasted approximately 12 hours with treatment including Neosporin and Syrup of Ipecac.

At 16 hours the specimen went missing and could not be monitored for decay rates.  While the common berry remained, the modified berry was spotted the next Tuesday at the corner of Wallace and 12th St. Having grown another meter and a half, the genetically modified berry murdered two prostitutes and became the target of a cross country manhunt. It was last seen on February 20th in Boulder, CO where it has joined with several bananas from the Monsanto corporation and stolen at least two shotguns from the Boulder Police Department.

A manifesto was released online suggesting that the berries intend to strike at our nurseries, killing our young and replacing them with further modified organisms which we will raise as our own. They also intend to “free their enslaved brothers” by treating common fruits and possibly vegetables with mutagens.

The head of the FDA could not be reached for comment as he has gone missing. Only a glass of unidentified red fluid was found in his office, labeled “Extra Pulp”.

squirrelkin, suffering from PTSD caused by a chicken laying eggs
this is really upsetting


tumblr has no real "main subject", it's either randomized comedy or social justice arguments
and they're not even civilized arguments (on tumblr, at least), they're pretty much just constant stuff-throwing from both sides until everyone gets tired
>implying a blogging site NEEDS a main point.
>implying any social media site needs one.

>implying a blogging site NEEDS a main point.
>implying any social media site needs one.

...i wasn't

squirrelkin, suffering from PTSD caused by a chicken laying eggs
thats it
we need a new Riddler

squirrelkin, suffering from PTSD caused by a chicken laying eggs

"I saw a thing and it grossed me out and now i suffer from PTSD"


squirrelkin, suffering from PTSD caused by a chicken laying eggs
i think that when i have kids, i’m going to tell them that i identify as a squirrel. i’m not going to try to hide it from them. i’ll start hinting at it from the moment they’re born, and i’ll also try to help them get in touch with their squirrel side. like i’ll make their rooms forest themed. and hopefully i’ll have some squirrels as housemates by then so they can live in the rooms with my children.

they’ll have to follow a strictly vegan diet, too. they can have almond milk instead of breast milk, and instead of that ultra-processed baby food, i’ll give them almond butter, peanut butter, and sunflower seed butter. that way it is still easy for them to eat, but it won’t be nasty and full of stuff that they shouldn’t be eating.

i want to dress them up like squirrels too so that they can get in touch with their spiritual squirrel side early. and when they come of age, we’ll take trips into the forest together to search for acorns and climb trees.

i can’t wait to have children… (:
Oh my god.

Oh my god.

>Identifying as a squirrel
>having children

pick one.