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Author Topic: T̶u̶m̶b̶l̶r̶ wofl Megathread  (Read 436893 times)

Maybe they should face their fears.
Or accept that they're going to come in contact with it at some point.

Seems like the wrong approach to ask the world to shield you from itself.

this isnt even an argument
1. Yes, there are people with legitimate triggers. However, those people are triggered by sounds or images. Reading a certain word will not make you insane.

2. You should not have to wrap your paragraphs in bubble wrap because someone wants to draw attention towards themselves.

Maybe they should face their fears.
Or accept that they're going to come in contact with it at some point.

Seems like the wrong approach to ask the world to shield you from itself.
Even if they're going through therapy or whatever, why is it so insane for people to want a safe space where they can enjoy internet content without being reminded of some terrible life experience? Imagine if you couldn't use reddit or BLF or twitter or tumblr for fear that you might suffer a panic attack? Simply by finding people on tumblr that tag triggers that affect you, you can use a chrome extension or a tampermonkey script and not have to worry about it anymore.
1. Yes, there are people with legitimate triggers. However, those people are triggered by sounds or images. Reading a certain word will not make you insane.

2. You should not have to wrap your paragraphs in bubble wrap because someone wants to draw attention towards themselves.
1. sorry I didn't realize you were a licensed psychologist. source please.

2. if someone's trigger is extremely specific or obv attention whoring, then you don't have to respect it. the existence of that attention whore doesn't mean everyone else with triggers is lying. i feel like you learn 100% of what you think about these people from TIA or something.

the whole idea of "triggers" has been dissolved and beaten on the head to the point where it means absolutely nothing

there are people that have legitimate phobias and mental problems, and they have to live with that stuff every day
it's is one million percent not-okay for things like this to become a 'special snowflake card' of sorts because it undermines the validity of the legitimate and provides support against the respect of the legitimate

the reality is, however, people with legitimate handicaps don't want to think about or associate with their handicaps. they are much more apt to try and find ways to cope with them and, if possible, do away with them entirely. they likely won't draw everyone's attention to it or make a big scene (unless someone is being blatantly insensitive, which is a totally different scenario) because they don't want it in their heads at all

i am absolutely not going to pay any attention to someone that kicks and screams and tries to force the world to feed them from the hand because i am against reinforcing bad behaviour
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 10:08:17 PM by otto-san »

If someone is yelling at you to put trigger warnings on your things, then they probably aren't actually triggered by it. I'm not arguing that everyone should tag possible triggers. I'm just saying it's good to have safe spaces (most of them exist on Tumblr) for people with certain triggers to enjoy social media without fear or anxiety. Even if they are in the process of coping/doing away with them, these things take years of work and until then, they should have a place where they can relax.

Even if they're going through therapy or whatever, why is it so insane for people to want a safe space where they can enjoy internet content without being reminded of some terrible life experience?
why would you ever want to enable weakness

why would you ever want to enable weakness
"We shouldn't use vaccines. Why would you enable weakness? If they survive, their immune systems will be amazing and it will benefit the next generation."
Such bullstuff. Chances are these people didn't choose to go through these experiences, nor are they responsible, so letting them be accommodated to is only fair.

I fail to see a reason to oppose this. I'm not asking that everyone accommodate them. I'm saying it's good that there are people that do.

as someone who has had a "trigger" (didn't really know of the word at the time, i don't think tumblr was even around, hence the quotes), i feel that i have some right to discuss this

When something traumatic happens to you, it really does seem to follow you. Even the most vaguely related thing can suddenly kill your mood and bring back certain emotions you might not really want to feel. Some people just want to use social media as an escape, which is completely reasonable. It doesn't matter if a trigger seems "valid" to you. You have no right to comment on other people's life experiences, because chances are, skimming through someone's blog doesn't give you someone's entire story. Even if the trigger is something completely off-the-wall and seemingly stupid, like trees, it still has a negative significance to the person and you shouldn't have to force them to have to deal with whatever it is directly (Yes, I am aware that trees are everywhere and dealing with such a trigger would probably be incredibly unrealistic. it's an example). I think it's fine to tag common triggers liberally (Self Delete, rape, death, slurs, extreme violence and gore, etc.) because lots of people have dealt with issues like those, but for more specific things, it's usually better to just refer whoever may have complained about a trigger to a psychologist, because chances are, they really need it. It's not very easy to free yourself from painful memories. It took me practically 4 years to be able to think about mine without bursting into tears and trying to hurt myself.

If someone using trigger warnings really offends you though, just unfollow them and don't complain to them. It's really not going to do anything.

why would you ever want to enable weakness

ok real talk here

is it SO IMPORTANT to talk about a Self Delete

like if someone doesn't want to hear about it because they may still be dealing with emotional baggage from a recent attempt, why force them? Is it really that hard to put yourself in other people's shoes?

and i realize that you might(?) be joking but there are people who feel this way so just letting that out there

even if talking about a Self Delete is really that important to you, putting a warning takes like 5 seconds and goes miles for those who might read it.

even if talking about a Self Delete is really that important to you, putting a warning takes like 5 seconds and goes miles for those who might read it.

yeah, exactly

still, trigger warnings for words like "dumb" are just handicapped.

still, trigger warnings for words like "dumb" are just handicapped.

We shouldn't use vaccines. Why would you enable weakness?
you don't choose to get a disease (well unless you're dumb and share a sandwich with your sick housemate GODDAMN)
you do choose to behave like a wuss