Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread  (Read 32436 times)

Joss Whedon is a stuff writer and director.

I think every popular artist/band is widely considered to be overrated to some degree

but queen is not one of them
queen is hit and miss for me

though I should probably listen to more albums to get a good feel for the band

Joss Whedon is a stuff writer and director.
Considering all the hype that they build up with Fire Fly, I agree this statement.

A lot of people here seem to have unpopular opinions just for the sake of having an unpopular opinion.

People who call Phil Fish "pretentious" are probably more pretentious than he is.

People who call Phil Fish "pretentious" are probably more pretentious than he is.

"fez is the best game ever, won an award for it, suck my richard"
"nah it ain't that good"

idk if he's really pretentious or anything but it's been confirmed that he's just an idiot who shouldn't be taken seriously

my opinon is the best in the thread and you should believe them

being gay is ok (for some odd reason this is an unpopular opinion with some starfishs people)

there is only 3 or 4 genders (not really sure but i know there's atleast 3)

there's only like 5 loveuality's that are real

i'm known on the forums and people like me :)-kidding this isn't unpopular this is popular  :cookieMonster:

Yola/jazz isn't bad really

new people in blockland are just abusive 10 year olds

high ids are dumb

dark souls has great pc controls and you won't rage

garry's mod really isn't that fun

A lot of f2p games are poop (most not all, i like unturned)

posting a lot makes you famous, and if you are known people want to meet you for some odd reason

i hate people that post loving 12 times a day and have 6k + posts than me, there isn't even that many threads that are interesting

i hate people that post loving 12 times a day

edit: now it's exactly 52

Damn I really didn't expect my post count to be only 8 a day. Feels like I post a lot more than that. It's probably because of days where I actually do something so I'm not bored and lurking the forums all day.

Before this post, I'm at 10.141 Change it to 10.541 and it's my ID

But if it tracked just this account and not the "XR_7" account from June 2012 as well as my gone time from June 2012-October 2013, it'd be way higher.

7708 posts in 282 days now, so that would make 27.312 posts per day before this post.

children are ok
i dont get what the hate is all about

my post per day count is really low (2.1) because there was an ~2 year window where I didnt post at all

The Rōblox community is great