Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions Thread  (Read 32498 times)

Blockland's community is unnecessarily rude.

Badspot is banhappy.

Roblox is not actually bad itself, its community is what makes it bad.

Fallout 3 is better than Fallout NV.

the enclave is better than the stuffty brotherhood of steel

the enclave is better than the stuffty brotherhood of steel
if you mean better in terms of power, you'd be absolutely right
if you mean better in terms of morality, that one's debatable

that one's debatable
debatable???? they were going to poison everyone in the capital wasteland, because they wanted to. they didn't even have a good reason

Roblox is not actually bad itself, its community is what makes it bad.
I thought this was a popular opinion; plenty of people that play the game can agree on how bad the community is.

debatable???? they were going to poison everyone in the capital wasteland, because they wanted to. they didn't even have a good reason
not really
you have to understand that while completely purging the capitol was a terrible thing, it was also the easiest way to purge the mutants as well. you know, the dangerous wildlife and oversized insects etc that were definitely a threat to humanity
what they were trying to do was certainly Flash Mob but don't tell me it was for no reason

if you mean better in terms of power, you'd be absolutely right
if you mean better in terms of morality, that one's debatable
no, i mean the enclave is better in every way.

i dont see how removing all mutated animals is for a bad reason
sure, its horrible that all the innocent people had to die, but the enclave are humanity's best bet at a resurgence of civilization

i dont see how removing all mutated animals is for a bad reason
good and bad is relative
if it didn't hurt people that would be a good reason
but it would have
so it is bad

good and bad is relative
if it didn't hurt people that would be a good reason
but it would have
so it is bad
bad for the 100 or so non murderous wastelanders
good for the enclave and humanity as a whole

good and bad is relative
if it didn't hurt people that would be a good reason
but it would have
so it is bad
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

i dont see how removing all mutated animals is for a bad reason
sure, its horrible that all the innocent people had to die, but the enclave are humanity's best bet at a resurgence of civilization

The Buick Enclave is going to outsell everything else eventually becoming America's biggest automobile project ever. General Motors will become a larger world superpower than it already is and annex other companies to make more Enclaves. All people everywhere will buy Enclaves. GM will lull us into a sense of security. Everything will be better. Yes, everything will be tranquil.

Amirite or Am I right??
I'm sorry. I had to get that out.