
Favorite season so far?

season 1
1 (33.3%)
season 2
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season 3
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season 4
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season 5
1 (33.3%)
season 6
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season 9
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: Supernatural: saving people, hunting things, the family business.  (Read 659 times)

I haven't seen a topic for this yet and figured I'd make one just for kicks.

Supernatural is a show about 2 brothers who grew up hunting the things that go bump in the night after their mother was killed by a demon when they were real young. Living from hotel room to hotel room, eating fast food and never experiencing the cozy life, these brothers take on many deadly creatures to help save humanity from one less bed bug.

The main characters are Dean: He's the older brother, his interests include rock n roll, his precious 67' black impala, and ganking demons.

His younger brother is Sam, also called Sammy. Sam is a giant, who is a bit more subtle than dean, who loves his action.  

Together these two can defeat any challenge that comes their way, even death itself.

Some other note worthy characters are

Bobby Singer, who was more of a father to them than their own father was.

And castiel, the socially awkward angel of the lord who loves the pizza man.

And here's deans baby

There's a ton of awesome characters and actors in this show. Personally, its one of the best shows I've seen on T.V. I know it's not for everyone, but It's worth at least a shot. There are some pretty hilarious moments and the bloopers are outstanding.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 01:55:08 AM by superslayer »

you wrote the OP like you're pitching the show, lol

yeah, it's pretty weird, but there is some cool stuff in it.

you wrote the OP like you're pitching the show, lol

yeah, it's pretty weird, but there is some cool stuff in it.
I just love this show. Plus this is my first "mega thread" so I just put what i thought was needed.

i cant see this show without cringing because of tumblr but im sure its actually pretty good

I love this. I love this so much. You have no idea. This...this is...

i cant see this show without cringing because of tumblr but im sure its actually pretty good
Yea tumblr almost steered me away, but it gets better when you actually understand the references they make.

Double toast
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 01:21:21 AM by superslayer »

My sister likes this show but also says that it's bad and cheesy
Idk, it's consumable, but it's not my cup of tea.

Dat awkward 78 degrees doh
fixed. Thanks for pointing it out

I finished the show yesterday. I wish I hadn't known what was coming but tumblr. When is Season 10?