Author Topic: Blockland is TERRIBLE  (Read 7093 times)

If you play the game, it means you like it.

And those 60 people like the game, therefore it is not terrible.
With your logic Tezuni is the best host on blockland. All Heil Tezuni
Also if I take a stuff and about 50 flies come and sit on it, does that mean it isn't terrible?

With your logic Tezuni is the best host on blockland. All Heil Tezuni stuffty servers!

Until you open up your Fort Wars server, then we're supposed to heil you.

I will probably be banned for this post but it is well worth it to give a honest portrayal of this game and to save a few wallets.
Now, where do I start.
"Honest". ie, you're going to provide us with a bunch of conjectures that you've pulled out of your ass. Oh boy.

This game has little to no good servers online.
It saddens me to say that blockland has so much potential but it is all thrown away or not being utilized properly.
Most of the server list is filled with ABHORRENT freebuilds, rps, and fruitless dedicated servers.
First off, what defines 'good'? Good is subjective. What's wrong with freebuilds? That's what this game is about, building. There are plenty of fun, entertaining servers on Blockland, and if they're not up to your standard of 'good', make something that is. 'Problem' solved.

RTB the main source for blocklands add ons were recently removed.
 Many great people like Bushido, Greek2me and Port spend a lot of their time making great new content for this game and very little to NONE of it is used anymore due to the removal of RTB. (seperate from greek2me's slayer)
Uhh? Are you seriously this handicapped? RTB was removed by decision of it's owner, and there is a massive add-ons section on the forums. Just because RTB was removed doesn't mean that people are suddenly just not going to use add-ons.

This game is EXTREMELY dependent on add-ons, and because of the removal of RTB new players can find it difficult developing a unique game without scripting/modeling it themselves or asking another person. (Even if we have Swollow's Add On system a lot of the stuff is outdated and a big fraction of add ons are missing)
Refer to above.

The game development has absolutely no progression and there are several bugs that need attending to.
You can't expect the two-man dev team to be cranking out updates every month like some AAA game company. You try managing a company, a community of tens of thousands of people with ages ranging from 5 to 15, developing for the game and dealing with everything else that people in the 'real world' have to deal with. Badspot's entire life doesn't revolve around the game, and if you expect him to slave away his every waking hour over the keyboard for this game, you're expecting far too much.

To be honest, all you did with this post was just rehash the stupid stuff that every half-brained handicap bitches about on a close to weekly basis.

Make a good server, then.
Don't like what's online? Make something good. Quit sitting on your ass, complaining, because 'there's no good servers' and you're too much of a lazy ass to go make a good server yourself.
That's a terrible argument.

There is above 100,000 purchased keys (sorry, I do not keep record) yet we have an average of 300 players at a give time with around 150 ~ servers. The problem as well is that we have too little producers in comparison to consumers, we have so many people complaining when the straight fact is that since we can't depend on Badspot.

Why don't some of you people who have sat around and done nothing for maybe countless years get up and actually contribute and stop complaining. This goes for so many of you on this forum that don't contribute at all.

Half the post's on this thread are sheer agreements and handicapped statements, and many of you are missing a pretty valuable point he's bringing up even though he derails halfway in ...
This game has little to no good servers online.
It saddens me to say that blockland has so much potential but it is all thrown away or not being utilized properly.
Most of the server list is filled with ABHORRENT freebuilds, rps, and fruitless dedicated servers.
This is most likely as accurate as he's going to get.

Our server-list is filled with total trash and many of these servers are poorly run additionally. Even though someone like Tezuni runs many servers, the quality of them isn't very high, the same goes for a vast number of our current servers. The worst part is, when something new comes out, it dies quickly since it's overplayed due to the fact that people have nothing to play. This is a cycle I've noticed over the years, and it doesn't surprise me.

The best thing that could really happen to us is if we gradually created more and more high quality servers. An overcomplicated role-playing game or a simple team deathmatch, whatever it may be, just let it be!

That's just my two cents, and my personal opinion that's built up over time. I'm probably wrong in places, so correct me if you will. I'm not going to reply to stupid stuff.

I don't like people who spread pointless things about a game/thing. You hate blockland? Why post it so other people can see it? Pointless to post that, I got an idea. Go make a good game, how about a Team death match with some of your original addons that you made. Hm? Sounds good?  :iceCream:

That's a terrible argument.

There is above 100,000 purchased keys (sorry, I do not keep record) yet we have an average of 300 players at a give time with around 150 ~ servers. The problem as well is that we have too little producers in comparison to consumers, we have so many people complaining when the straight fact is that since we can't depend on Badspot.
You're blaming Badspot for the amount of servers people host?
What kind of loving logic is this?

I will agree with you on some points of that though. There aren't many people that press forward on their ideas. It may mostly be due to the fact that projects don't get enough help to truly pull through, though.

I'm honored I guess? lol. But on the subject of updates, there's an upcoming one that's been officially confirmed now. (although the content is still a mystery) Bugs will be fixed if you report them.

This game does have strangely low player retention. I've never really figured out why.

My best guess is that people get frustrated after only a couple minutes of trying to build. In many games, there are tips that appear showing people where to click and stuff the first couple times they play it. Maybe this would be good for Blockland.

badspot should add the tutorial button back to main menu in the upcoming update

badspot should add the tutorial button back to main menu in the upcoming update

Or a popup on first run that tells you how to launch it.

If people can't spell our species right, they shouldn't be on Blockland.

RTB the main source for blocklands add ons were recently removed.
 Many great people like Bushido, Greek2me and Port spend a lot of their time making great new content for this game and very little to NONE of it is used anymore due to the removal of RTB. (seperate from greek2me's slayer)
This game is EXTREMELY dependent on add-ons, and because of the removal of RTB new players can find it difficult developing a unique game without scripting/modeling it themselves or asking another person. (Even if we have Swollow's Add On system a lot of the stuff is outdated and a big fraction of add ons are missing)