Author Topic: Blockland is TERRIBLE  (Read 7103 times)

I will probably be banned for this post but it is well worth it to give a honest portrayal of this game and to save a few wallets.
Now, where do I start.

This game has little to no good servers online.
It saddens me to say that blockland has so much potential but it is all thrown away or not being utilized properly.
Most of the server list is filled with ABHORRENT freebuilds, rps, and fruitless dedicated servers.

RTB the main source for blocklands add ons were recently removed.
 Many great people like Bushido, Greek2me and Port spend a lot of their time making great new content for this game and very little to NONE of it is used anymore due to the removal of RTB. (seperate from greek2me's slayer)
This game is EXTREMELY dependent on add-ons, and because of the removal of RTB new players can find it difficult developing a unique game without scripting/modeling it themselves or asking another person. (Even if we have Swollow's Add On system a lot of the stuff is outdated and a big fraction of add ons are missing)

The game development has absolutely no progression and there are several bugs that need attending to.

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« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 11:24:33 PM by Badspot »

This game has little to no good servers online.
Make a good server, then.
Don't like what's online? Make something good. Quit sitting on your ass, complaining, because 'there's no good servers' and you're too much of a lazy ass to go make a good server yourself.

-People play blockland
-You saying it's terrible

But what AutoBahn said, make a good server then.

-People play blockland
-You saying it's terrible

But what AutoBahn said, make a good server then.
I can open a server and put "Family RP" as the title and get 60 players right off the bat. Players doesn't mean stuff.

well im sorry you dont like blockland :(

but theres nothing wrong with that

personally i think badspot could strip the games of addons and shaders to being 100% default and adding a monthly subscription fee and chances are id roll with it lol

well im sorry you dont like blockland :(

but theres nothing wrong with that

personally i think badspot could strip the games of addons and shaders to being 100% default and adding a monthly subscription fee and chances are id roll with it lol

well im sorry you dont like blockland :(

but theres nothing wrong with that

personally i think badspot could strip the games of addons and shaders to being 100% default and adding a monthly subscription fee and chances are id roll with it lol
Please tell me you are joking and making fun of something else...

there is no point in arguing with op or ripping him a new one.

everything on this was already explained by many people including badspot. its just getting tedious to see these threads pop up.

Please tell me you are joking and making fun of something else...
what? if he doesnt like blockland he doesnt like blockland stuffs simple as can be lol

i got bl because its an open world multiplayer lego game. guns addons and shaders are just toys on the side, buildings the main thing for me

I gotta say that I agree with

This game has little to no good servers online

The game development has absolutely no progression and there are several bugs that need attending to.
I agree with this

i got bl because its an open world multiplayer lego game. guns addons and shaders are just toys on the side, buildings the main thing for me
inb4 this turns into a flame war

inb4 this turns into a flame war
yeah thats just an opinion guys pls dont freak a scene

I can open a server and put "Family RP" as the title and get 60 players right off the bat. Players doesn't mean stuff.
If you play the game, it means you like it.

And those 60 people like the game, therefore it is not terrible.