Author Topic: Blockland is TERRIBLE  (Read 7173 times)

I don't like the fact that development seems to be at a halt, especially after the proclaimed "easier and faster development" as a result of removing interiors and terrain.

At the very least a sign of life would be appreciated, it's been months since the last update.

Rotondo HAS stated on steam that they are in the middle of a huge update.

I will probably be banned for this post but it is well worth it to give a honest portrayal of this game and to save a few wallets.
Now, where do I start.

This game has little to no good servers online.
It saddens me to say that blockland has so much potential but it is all thrown away or not being utilized properly.
Most of the server list is filled with ABHORRENT freebuilds, rps, and fruitless dedicated servers.

RTB the main source for blocklands add ons were recently removed.
 Many great people like Bushido, Greek2me and Port spend a lot of their time making great new content for this game and very little to NONE of it is used anymore due to the removal of RTB. (seperate from greek2me's slayer)
This game is EXTREMELY dependent on add-ons, and because of the removal of RTB new players can find it difficult developing a unique game without scripting/modeling it themselves or asking another person. (Even if we have Swollow's Add On system a lot of the stuff is outdated and a big fraction of add ons are missing)

The game development has absolutely no progression and there are several bugs that need attending to.

None of these problems have anything to do with the game.. Lol.  These are all personal opinions based on the community.  Blockland is a sandbox game, it requires innovative and creative people to host decent servers.  It isn't a first person shooter or any other game where anybody can host a server and it will be equally fun as anybody else hosting a server.  It requires effort, and rather than complain about it, maybe you should try to fix it.  I don't even mean that in a sassy way, actually go host a server and make something fun, you'd be doing yourself and everybody else a favor.

Also: While it's slightly less convenient to download / find add ons without RTB, almost all of the big add-on makers who had stuff on RTB have their own megathreads in the regular add-ons section and you can easily find their stuff by searching for it.  Just because RTB is gone does not mean that mods are gone or that it's somehow now difficult to host servers with mods on them...

baddy should at the very least give us an ETA for the next update.

baddy should at the very least give us an ETA for the next update.
ETAs for updates are generally impossible to give accurately.  They just cause more problems than they fix anyways.

ETAs for updates are generally impossible to give accurately.  They just cause more problems than they fix anyways.
I would prefer them releasing an official notice of what the next update will be if it's going to take as long as this.

That is, if they are even working on the game anyway.

baddy should at the very least give us an ETA for the next update.

Not really no.

Workshop doesn't have an approval system - it would be easy to fool new players into downloading bad add-ons that will self destruct their game.

The search system is also very bad.

I agree that the workshop is very finicky  and tedious to use. However, regarding the issue with bad add-ons, as long as long as the game's sandboxing (programming term, not game genre) has been done correctly, or at least moderately well, any problem caused by an add-on would easily fixed by simply deleting--or rather, unsubscribing to--the particular add-on.

This is mostly conjecture. My knowledge of game development is better than most, but still limited. Feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.

id rather the ETA be off by a few days (even weeks) than no eta at all. id rather have a general idea of when the update will be, rather than wondering everyday.


If the game has little to no good servers online, then please take the initiative to create something that you would consider a 'good server.' It would help the community much more than ranting here.

I'm sorry that you view the loss of RTB as such a negative impact on the game. However, it always was only a modification to the game. It never improved the quality of Blockland itself.

Badspot has said this before, but I'll paraphrase it. Badspot started development on this game around 2005; almost 10 years ago. I'm not sure how old you are, but I'd be surprised if you could even remember 10 years ago accurately. After a while of working on the same project, it just doesn't hold your interest anymore. Badspot does what he can.

On the topic of bugs: please either list them here or PM them to Badspot. He does take initiative on fixing bugs.

i agree
...with the points in the OP but i dont think BL is terrible