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Author Topic: Whos internet browser got taken over by bing?  (Read 5576 times)

These loving installers with 'tick this box to not not not install bing'.

In come the blockland police forumers to enforce the unwritten rules on how to act on this forum. You would think Badspot was paying them to bitch at new people.

In come the blockland police forumers to enforce the unwritten rules on how to act on this forum. You would think Badspot was paying them to bitch at new people.
i'm the only real police officer here. you can't be on the force unless you've got a miniskirt and a top that shows off your boobs. or pecs in this case. but the men will still have to wear a miniskirt.

i'm the only real police officer here. you can't be on the force unless you've got a miniskirt and a top that shows off your boobs. or pecs in this case. but the men will still have to wear a miniskirt.
as long as its a manly miniskirt i'll be fine

installers that install extra stuff (unless it's required for the program to run)/change your default search engine/change your default browser should be illegal.

installers that install extra stuff (unless it's required for the program to run)/change your default search engine/change your default browser should be illegal.

no, they shouldn't.

Accidentally posted this before replying fully, give me a second.

EDIT: Optional programs that you have to deselect from installing, though apparently completely useless, give tons of money to developers that would have made almost no money off of a free installer. It also keeps sites like CNet and Sourceforge online, due to the growing number of users using adblock, removing their main source of income previously, ads. They're a necessary evil to keep free programs free.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 12:00:51 PM by SiliconCactus »

I recommend a little program called "Unchecky."

I recommend a little program called "Unchecky."

i better not have to uncheck stuff while installing it
that was easy.

god if he wants to say bye in his loving post let him say bye it's not like he's spamming hardcore brown town love so get the forget over it

oh god mine
this stuffty trovi.com bullstuff

OP is 12.
Proof: 1: you have to be loving stupid to let this happen to you
2: he keeps colouring words
3: he says he's 19. Yeah sure
4: Naruto avatar
5: "rockhyenastar117"? Seriously?

Op, you can admit it. I won't judge you.

OP is 12.
Proof: 1: you have to be loving stupid to let this happen to you
2: he keeps colouring words
3: he says he's 19. Yeah sure
4: Naruto avatar
5: "rockhyenastar117"? Seriously?

Op, you can admit it. I won't judge you.

1. it happens to everyone regardless of age, stupid mistakes, ever heard of them?
2. big motherloving deal
3. thats not proof forgetnut
4. thats the worst proof ever, i know multiple high school seniors that love naruto, especially coming from someone who has a richardface as an avatar
5. what the forget kind of name is "yuhwryu", did you stuff on your keyboard or something?

stop assuming stuff and actually contribute to the topic rather than being an arseface

1. it happens to everyone regardless of age, stupid mistakes, ever heard of them?
2. big motherloving deal
3. thats not proof forgetnut
4. thats the worst proof ever, i know multiple high school seniors that love naruto, especially coming from someone who has a richardface as an avatar
5. what the forget kind of name is "yuhwryu", did you stuff on your keyboard or something?

stop assuming stuff and actually contribute to the topic rather than being an arseface

That was boss lol.

OT: Yeah I used to spam the next on installers too. But I never got bing it was always some other random search site

Did bing take over your web browser? Tell me in the comments below. Bye!
Lol, stop posting like you're a popular youtuber or something. You look like an idiot.

Also watch less research from skeevy russian websites.

Also watch less research from skeevy russian websites.
capitalist pig

watch less research from shady websites in general