Author Topic: -Spike- ~ i'll just take someone's idea, take credit for it, then bitch about it  (Read 3247 times)

So a few days ago me, brickitect, and spike were messing around with physics. I decided to make a tunnel and it was so fun we got addicted to it. I told them I'd make a server featuring that little idea. weellllll a few days later......
A ramp launch game where you crouch-jet to the very end where there are ramps to launch you into the sky, but when you reach the ramps, it kills you. If you have death ragdoll enabled, you can then soar really far and high into the sky with your ragdoll. Try to compete against others to get the farthest! This is just a concept, could be improved/re-imagined. Credit to Blake1 for tunnel idea.
Note: the last part he edited in. He did not intend on giving credit to me at all.
what the hell
do you really think it's okay to steal someone elses idea when i clearly stated i was going to make that into a server

oh wait i already made it into a server
get your own idea
I had the idea to play around with ragdoll physics, and you made the tunnel. Sorry that I didn't credit you for the tunnel idea. Have fun with 3 players.
way to be a richard. You're the one who was trying to take credit for it, smartass.
That's my loving point. You and I were on Brickitect's and shortly expanded on my idea. Do you not have any memory?
Yeah, at least I wasn't the one who stole someone else's idea and tried to take credit for it. And don't give me that "well it was my idea to play around with physics" bullstuff, cause I'm the one who made the tunnels and ramps.
....and then he takes his bitching to the official server thread.
Server's dead in less than a day.
What an starfish.

I understand that it was probably the smallest thing to argue about, but it really pissed me off how he took an idea that I had and tried to take credit for it without even consulting me. Then he acts all smart and he's like "haha ded in a day" when hes the one who wanted to host it on a CBMHost server.


even that badspot quote

Support. What an starfish.

Spike is also an admin abuser,

I don't understand how he/she got into Qi.

To be fair this server idea isn't 'yours', it has been done before and I see no problem with using someone else's idea, so long as you give them credit; which -Spike- didn't so...he's a richard.

I have notified Aoki about -Spike-'s behaviour.

Constantly shooting at the goal in Mr.LoL's while not in line after I told him repeatedly not to as a goalkeeper 0/10 this guy is a cunt.

lol this kid is still trying

Spike is honestly one of the dumbest people I have met in this game. He is blacklisted from my basketball tournament for bitching just like this. Grow up

You're the one bitching about how I supposedly took your idea. Not only are you making a whole drama topic, but you also made a big deal on your server topic by locking it and changing the title. It doesn't matter if I was banned from your server, Raven, since I no longer have interest in your servers. Maybe if you took the extra step to ignore me, maybe you wouldn't be posting a whole drama about it.

I simply provided an idea to CBMHost, never intending for a server. I didn't read the full description of the contest, which is my fault. If you want to throw stupid accusations at me and bitch about it in General Discussion, you need to find something else to do.