Author Topic: why are so many of the people on the forums gay/bi  (Read 2076 times)

its not a bad thing at all
its just so loving baffling that like every month theres a 'coming out' thread. literally everyone i can name off the top of my head is either gay or biloveual

did you guys just give up on being straight
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 06:31:03 PM by ZombieDude »

did you guys just give up on being straight
implying that being straight is something that takes effort

Who cares. Lock this.

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« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 09:08:34 PM by Badspot »

i'm straight and proud

being serious, i don't really know

i looked on it and theres a list on it of furries i guess
and like 99% of them list as biloveual

Straight foreva

Peace out

did you guys just give up on being straight
you are the literal meaning of the word moron.

There are a lot of gays/bi's/furries/etc. on the forums, op, nobody knows why.
Try to ask tumblr about it.
^Don't do that.

i'm straight and proud

you are the literal meaning of the word moron.
No man, he's right.
I tried carrying my straight up the side of the mountain, but it was just to much. I gave up and tried carrying a bi. It was much easier.

its just so loving baffling that like every week theres like 2 'coming out' threads.
ok, idk what you're talking about
the last one was months ago
there was a recent one, but it was a straight guy. "coming out" about his (lack of) religion

you are the literal meaning of the word moron.
look whos talking
ok, idk what you're talking about
the last one was months ago
there was a recent one, but it was a straight guy. "coming out" about his (lack of) religion
well i guess i can change that to every month, sort of exaggerating

You say being gay or bi is not a bad thing and then you use the term "give up" like it is a bad thing. I don't understand your viewpoint.