Author Topic: The only way to browse the Blockland forums  (Read 1873 times)

Forumfriendry to rival that of Night Fox in his prime.
So yeah I got a thrid monitor.
General supreme multimonitor masterrace discussion thread.

what's in the glass so we can know everything about properly browsing BLF

my brother has those same 3 monitors

what's in the glass so we can know everything about properly browsing BLF
Water mixed with powder, consisting of finely grounded Night Fox.

my brother has those same 3 monitors
Too bad one is different! OCD galore!

you are superior to us all.

Another way, for participating in an extra large amount of dramas at the same time:

Water mixed with powder, consisting of finely grounded Night Fox.
you better be thankful I was willing to donate that skin graft to you

is that xerox paper

Take a picture of each monitor with 4 different tabs of BLF. Heck put as many as you can for that matter.

Get on our level, peasants.

Guys help.
It's spreading, I can't stop it.
On the plus side, I can now participate in every single drama topic on page 1 of the drama board!

is that xerox paper
Outer 2 are, center is viking. How are you even seeing this, the image is so daaaaark.

11/10 could have more

I use a 1024x768 CRT. Am I cool yet?

I use a 1024x768 CRT. Am I cool yet?
How do you survive being blased with 500 terasievert a day?