Author Topic: Best Linux OS to get?  (Read 453 times)

Well, I'm using a Linux operating system, don't ask why...

So I'm wondering which operating system do you guys recommend?
I'm specifically looking for one that works best with Wine.

Right now I'm using Linux Mint, which has problems with Wine, so yeah...

Oh, and if you start posting why Linux sucks, shut your mouth. (or fingers?)
That's not what I'm looking for. :l

Tahnk U

Well, if we knew why you were using Linux, we'd be able to give you a good answer. However, if you don't have a good reason for using linux, you shouldn't.

Ubuntu has more compatibility with things since it's more widely used if I'm not mistaken.

I hate Ubuntu though. The UI is gross.Honestly I think all UI except 1 theme for mint is gross

Well, if we knew why you were using Linux, we'd be able to give you a good answer. However, if you don't have a good reason for using linux, you shouldn't.
My Windows broke

My Windows broke
Wait, why not just reinstall Windows? Do you still have your activation key for it? Like on a sticker on the bottom of your laptop or on the side of your desktop.

Ubuntu has more compatibility with things since it's more widely used if I'm not mistaken.

I hate Ubuntu though. The UI is gross.Honestly I think all UI except 1 theme for mint is gross
Ah yes, I was using that for awhile. That's the reason why I switched, it looked ugly xP

Wait, why not just reinstall Windows? Do you still have your activation key for it? Like on a sticker on the bottom of your laptop or on the side of your desktop.
Well, I would switch back, but

1. I need a flash drive that holds enough memory for Windows to install the OS

2. I honestly like Linux for running faster. It almost doubled my computer's performace

ubuntu quickscope penguin xxx purplemetro distro unix

You could just wait to buy a flash drive, but if you're fine with using linux, then alright.

Linux Mint is my personal favorite in terms of Ubuntu derivatives, but you could also try Xubuntu, which comes with a nice lightweight desktop environment called Xfce.

Another option is, if you're moderately experienced in using linux distros, Manjaro, which is based off of Arch Linux but made much more user friendly. The live CD comes with an installer, and it has a lot of options for a starting desktop environment, a nice package installation system, and is pretty lightweight.

ubuntu quickscope penguin xxx purplemetro distro unix
You're hilarious.