Author Topic: Blockland World Cup 2014 [[ZIMBABWE WON p58]]  (Read 74181 times)

I added Threule's country decals to the topic, please download them.

If you wish to modify/submit your uniform, please tell me in-game and i'll do the picture.

Get 7 players, it's written in OP.
it says a few not 7. But ok

All Germany applicants are accepted, and BTW I got a few uniform.Prisoner shirt, Dark red torso,Dark black pants and arms, Yellow or blue shoes.
So including me?

it says a few not 7. But ok

Did you even read the laws?

Did you even read the laws?
I didnt realize that was a link

also what I meant was could you place my team in the OP so that people will see that it is open and can apply for it.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 05:23:19 PM by GhostStar »

Brazil is gonna win is esphere puts me as the manager

Brazil is gonna win is esphere puts me as the manager

technequelly there is no manager thingy in the tourment

but you can be it

(I am still the leader)

« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 06:32:40 PM by Gingerdemon »

This is our new uniform

...isn't that Portugal's uniform?

Anyone want to join me in England?
where my m8's at?!
If I'm not excepted into Germany, I will.

Could I design Germany's uniform? I have already come up with a basic design. It requires a custom color, but it is very easy to create.
Using Thereule's decal set. The color is red only, no blue values or green values.

Own, ID 40410, has been constantly interfering with the matches (blocking goalies, spamming trust invites, etc.), can something be done about him?