Author Topic: time capsule  (Read 140660 times)

hey future me is  the doctor phil mnm still funny

hey future me is  the doctor phil mnm still funny
yes it is

future me, is the blocklounge done yet is the next SuperFPS map done yet what have you finished?
future me, you should have a basic game done by now, get on that

future me, is your hair still freakishly long

future me

am i still just as worthless to society
and is lord tony still existing

Also, Future me, Don't forget up.

Nope, sorry past me, i failed you.

dear future me, how is your pursuit in art coming along?

future me
remember to post about your 10000th post
also remember to switch your avatar in august
past me
its not 10k boi
also its not august because some nooblet bumped this in under a week

future me
remember to post about your 10000th post
(also remember to switch your avatar in august)

hey future torin dont forget up school this time

you're still doing your gcses, physics in a few hours D:
it was ez pz
you're going to france in a bit

forget by the time we're actually off the forums, the forums hdd wont survive the next fail, therefore this time capsule is useless to speak of

hey future me you should probably actually look back on your posts to see what you wrote in the past