Author Topic: time capsule  (Read 131618 times)


dear future me: get a job you bum
H*CK you im trying to get one but im moving soon so i cant right now

did you get a job yet future me

Hello past and future me.

Remember that crazy girl you were talking about, past me? Well, she just really likes you. And, let's face it, you like her, too. It's why you two are a couple now. I'm thinking about getting a job so I can afford a new car soon, would you mind filling me in on that, future me?

Also, no new music. I've been too busy. Sorry past and future me.

AtlasBlue, 1/22/2016 7:48 PM
Hey, past and future me.

Sorry, past me, still jobless... However I really want to work at that Target nearby, and I'm pretty sure they're hiring. Also, I've decided to keep the Yukon because let's face it: that thing handles mud and dirt roads like a champ, and it also has a lot of trunk space. It's the perfect vehicle!

My music has really flopped. Anything I try and make I think I can do so much better that I tear the song apart and then stop working on it. Perfectionism is a cruel mistress...

Also, I'm still with that girl. Our relationship is still strong, and let's just say some encounters get a little... spicy. I'll let you see for yourself, other people read these and I'm not exactly comfortable with sharing the details.

Good luck,
AtlasBlue, 7/20/2016 11:01 AM

hopefully, future self, is dead

dear future me

dont lose sight of what's important to you, and make sure you hold on tightly to it. even if your memory is stuffty, try to keep those thoughts and feelings close to the chest in hopes that they be retained. be that person who can be loved, and move on from the past.

and do try to meet some of your current friends irl. my current list of friends:
hawt/profit man

i know this list may change but try not to let any old friendships just die, alright?

« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 02:11:45 PM by Conan »

future me
get the blood clot boy achievement in super meat boy already you total noob
past me
i didnt loving get it go suck a forget you cuck

future me
get the dr fetus boy achievement in super meat boy already you total scrub

and do try to meet some of your current friends irl. my current list of friends:
not drydess

dear future me

stop being a lazy forget and get back to working on that build

helo frien, be good


dear future me if you aren't in your own place by december im going to loving end your life

dear future me
have you found any legendary pokemon in pokemon go yet, cause i sure as hell havent

Dear future me
Don't break down in class randomly.

dear future me
die right now as you read this
i had a good run

Yes I can do the le urban interwebs maymays

Can you do that, future me?
No sadly I can't do that past me.

Future me, forget you