Author Topic: time capsule  (Read 131829 times)

Dear Future Me,
Has Darkwing Duck reboot and HL3 came out yet?
Love no homo, Past me

Well, if i die, here is my bucket list. if anyone finds this finish it for me
  • Beat mike tyson in a boxing match
  • Kill Jesse James Hollywood
  • Explode the scientology church
  • Hug a bear
  • put a fork covered with tinfoil in a microwave
  • Go in a barrel down niagra falls
  • Make it to at least half way up mount everest
God speed you magnifecent bastard

we only have 2 more months before we have had this time capsule for an entire year

Why should it stop at one year?

Future blocklanders: Get it up to the time when the BLF closes!

Hi future me your stilll a gay cigarette
From past me
Haha, past me is a stupid richard, it's 'you're' not 'your'

Oh stuff I lost my capsule...

Future me; dont lose this one too you loving idiot

dear me,
it is may 16 i am not dead

dear me,
it is may 16 i am not dead
how are you so sure

not check
not check

dear future wafflecake of the fifth seeing,
get a loving tablet and fix your circle pad
-waffle of the present
the circle pad has yet to be fixed but a tablet was obtained

dear future wafflecake for the time of seis,
please fix your circle pad
be out of school when you reply to this post
and finally you should obtain some vidya games you wanted

Future Scripter, You have no Fourm friends in the past.

dear future me
has dad come back yet
love, past me
dear future me
was yooka-laylee worth the hype
love, past me