Author Topic: OC megathread - why  (Read 328947 times)

Is this for real?
If so, dear god.
yes, in fact he made 81 requests in 2 months on that subreddit.

Yes I made requests there because its a site fore requesting art from people, so why not ask people who are willing to draw it to do it? all of the people I've asked have been perfectly cool with it and in fact said they enjoyed drawing my stuff.

and idk why you guys are freaking out about me requesting nsfw stuff cause I mean its not a big deal lol
I want something like that of my character so what? other people get that stuff of their characters all the time and people ask for that stuff on there too.

the real problem here is the fact that you guys keep on stalking everything I do and then claim you dont lol

The problem is how much we feel like you mooch off of other people for your stuff. Like all you ever do is find people to do free art for you. Regardless if they're willing or not, the frequency and desperation of how much you've done this is rediculous. We probably wouldn't have a problem at all of these artists were compensated (ala commission), or even if the frequency of your requests were far fewer. But this is just kinda sad.

Yes I made requests there because its a site fore requesting art from people, so why not ask people who are willing to draw it to do it? all of the people I've asked have been perfectly cool with it and in fact said they enjoyed drawing my stuff.
because at this point you it seems like your creating characters just for the sake of research, lmao.
Sometimes a few hours, or even a few minutes you post at thread asking for your oc doing who knows what.

and idk why you guys are freaking out about me requesting nsfw stuff cause I mean its not a big deal lol
I want something like that of my character so what? other people get that stuff of their characters all the time and people ask for that stuff on there too.
Because we think it's humorous that you seem to use most of your oc's as forgetin love objects

the real problem here is the fact that you guys keep on stalking everything I do and then claim you dont lol
>implying your the only one who uses reddit

The problem is how much we feel like you mooch off of other people for your stuff. Like all you ever do is find people to do free art for you. Regardless if they're willing or not, the frequency and desperation of how much you've done this is rediculous. We probably wouldn't have a problem at all of these artists were compensated (ala commission), or even if the frequency of your requests were far fewer. But this is just kinda sad.
they enjoy it and they WANT to do it for free, none of them ask for pay from anyone, and so what If I do it frequently? I'm not asking the same person multiple times lol
they dont "need" to be compensated because they want to draw it for fun.

sorry if you feel like its a problem but it really, really isnt.

because at this point you it seems like your creating characters just for the sake of research, lmao.
Sometimes a few hours, or even a few minutes you post at thread asking for your oc doing who knows what.
Because we think it's humorous that you seem to use most of your oc's as forgetin love objects
I dont specifically make them for research lol

I mean you guys can keep on complaining/laughing but it doesnt matter cause theres no problem here lol.

just because you wrote a short story about your next fap material and desperately tried drawing an exact copy of what it was ingame doesnt change the fact that you have no creativity
this quote (somehow) still stands

I mean you guys can keep on complaining/laughing but it doesnt matter cause theres no problem here lol.
thats coming from you, meanwhile the rest of the forums thinks its a problem
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 12:50:48 PM by Rockinboy2000 »

lol at everyone obsessing over everything that flatflyer does.
because at this point you it seems like your creating characters just for the sake of research, lmao.
Sometimes a few hours, or even a few minutes you post at thread asking for your oc doing who knows what.
it's almost like love RPs are a thing.
there's no problem here lol.
ftfy + this^

I dont specifically make them for research lol

This is just a portion too. I'm just saying its SLIGHTLY ODD that you are this desperate for Starbound / Spiral Knights research that you use your own ocs and request it everywhere, and don't pull the whole "oh man I didn't ask for nsfw I just suggested it.." even though in all those threads your quite clearly going ((also nsfw would ben ice gimmie nsfw)))
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 12:56:04 PM by Legoboss »

seems like someone likes to jump the gun.